View Full Version : Caranuba vs. Sealant

04-27-2003, 01:11 AM
Other than the depth, etc that caranuba vs. sealant gives, are there any other major differences other than longevity where sealants have the upper hand.

If I don`t care about the longevity (which I do when fall/winter comes) is the only main difference how long the wax lasts or .....let`s say I just detailed my hood.

Half of the hood is detailed with GEPC/S100

The other half has Klasse SG on it.

Bird just happens to do give me a gift on the hood. Will one product be better than than other in regards to protection.

04-27-2003, 10:15 AM
polymers and acrylics last longer than caranuba waxes, and bond to your paint. Any wax will protect from bird droppings, but through my exp., it seems the sealants protect it from penetrating into the surface unless you didn`t wash your car for weeks after it happened, then its going to be hard.

04-27-2003, 12:40 PM
I think it depends on what the birds in your area eat! :p Some droppings go through everything like molten lava, others just wipe off....

04-27-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by ejant

IMO the sealant will give more protection than the carnauba due to the fact that the sealand bonds to the paint.

The carnauba will probably disappear immediately with the high acidity of bird caca.

:up .

04-27-2003, 05:50 PM
As long as you remove the bird droppings quickly, then it probably won`t matter, but if you don`t have time to get to the bird bombs for a day or two, then a polymer should offer more protection.

BTW, it seems that everytime I get bird crap on my car, it is just after they had their Thanksgiving feast and the damn spots are the size of a softball.

04-27-2003, 06:44 PM
Pigeons are notorious for their weapons of mass combustion. Stay away from them by all means.