View Full Version : Have to rethink what I am using

04-23-2003, 01:37 PM
Well due time and money issues I have to completely change my list of products used on my car. I have to pick form products that are commonly found (in my area) such as Mothers, Meguiars, Eagle One, etc. From reading practically all day this is what I come up with this....

1) Clay

2) Meguiars Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

3) Meguiars #9 Swirl Remover

4) Meguiars #7 Show Car Glaze

5) S100 wax

Now I have read a lot about Meguires #26 being placed between 4 and 5 but am not sure at this point.

Please guys anything you think should be changed as far as order or maybe even product (remember that I am limited) please let me know.

Does anyone know anything about a product called Crystal Glo. I was recommeded it by a bike shop when I called for the S100. As a matter of fact he was very insistant with me... Just wondering.


04-23-2003, 02:04 PM
I`m not sure about this since I haven`t used either, but I would think the Medallion and #9 might be too close to each other to be worth getting both? Maybe substitute it for #2 or 3M FCRC which you can buy in Wal-Mart. :nixweiss ( BTW, it`s Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner) ;)

I don`t see why you can`t put #26 in between #4 and #5 if you want. It might be redundant though, since S100 seems to have fairly decent durability anyway and is so easy to use you can apply it often.

I don`t know much about Crystal Glo other than that the product seems to be yet another "cleaner sealant" type of product, and some guy in Toronto used it. Run a search to find his posts. I don`t think there is any long-term info on this though.

04-23-2003, 02:12 PM
I can`t believe I put Prelude Paint Cleaner.... I drive a Prelude and am getting it ready for our first meet. Got Prelude on the brain...


I guess what I can do is just take the #9 out of the list entirely. As for the #26 and S100 I figured that they pretty much did the same thing.

04-23-2003, 02:13 PM
Meguiars #7 follow by #26 has always been a great combo. Now how well you can use #9 by hand is another question. What color car do you have?

04-23-2003, 03:10 PM
Sorry but I forgot to mention that I will be using a PC for all of this. The car is San Marino Red.

Are you suggesting #26 instead of S100 or #26 under S100?

04-23-2003, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 4DSC

[B]I`m not sure about this since I haven`t used either, but I would think the Medallion and #9 might be too close to each other to be worth getting both?

They are not the same. The Medallion does not polish or remove swirls. The #9 will attack swirls and provides a layer of polish. The Medallion (yellow CMA pad) followed by #9 (white CMA pad) makes a very nice combo when used with a PC. Follow up with #7 and #26 and you`ll be in business.

04-23-2003, 04:38 PM
I was thinking in terms of abrasiveness only, not glazing, and yes #9 has fillers, but he`s planning on using #7 anyway. I thought I remember past discussions debating the abrasiveness of MPPC? I thought they said it was more abrasive than #9, but I figured it wasn`t by much... :confused: :nixweiss

04-23-2003, 07:53 PM
I went to a local bike shop today and picked up some S100 wax and to my surprise they had S100 SEC. I hadn`t read much about it but remember reading some good things so I picked it up as well just in case. Now to apply this I would assume that the order would be.

1) Clay

2) Meguiars Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

3) Meguiars #9 Swirl Remover

4) S100 SEC

5) S100 wax

From what I have read on the Megiars, ProperAutocare, and this board both S100 SEC and #7 are polishes. I figure they accomplish the same job and using products in the same line will most likely compliment each other better. On ProperAutocare it says that SEC will remove old wax, minor spotting and swirl lines before waxing. Is this a waste as these things should be covered by the first two products I have applied? Could I do...

1) Clay


3) S100 SEC

4) S100 wax

I am wondering if SEC will do as good a job as #9 with 2 coats?

What do you guys think?

04-24-2003, 06:56 AM


04-24-2003, 07:28 AM
One thing that might make a difference, what do you now own? You may have products on hand that will do a good job for you and not require buying any more stuff.

On one of our vehicles, I used #9, followed by Klasse AIO, topped with S100 wax. Looks terrific.

The same procedure with the SEC used in place of the AIO should do a great job for you.

IMHO the SEC will not do what the #9 does. Maybe you don`t need a swirl remover. Just the SEC, followed by the S100 wax might be all you really need. Try a small panel and take a look before you buy a bunch of products that may end up on the shelf. (From a guy with a bunch of products on the shelf.):p


04-24-2003, 08:20 AM
Later I was thinking the same thing. I didn`t thing that SEC could replace #9 for swirls. I will have to take another look at my finish and determine if the swirls are serious enough for #9 or could I get away with something like SEC.

I was also wondering if I should use the SEC or maybe use #7 in its place. I keep reading the claims from Meguiars and though I know there are somewhat bias it sound pretty convincing. The struggle is that SEC was made to compliment S100 wax so its a toss up.

For the time being I think I am stuck on this.

1) Clay

2) Meguiars Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

3) Meguiars #9 Swirl Remover

4) S100 SEC

5) S100 wax

I am going to keep searching the board an other resources to hopefull get a solid answer.

04-24-2003, 08:34 AM
Well from what I have read in other posts the listing that I last posted above is the way that I will go. SEC apparently works really well with S100 wax so I won`t question it any longer.

If anyone has any other comments I welcome them.

Thanks for the Help!

Take Care All!


04-24-2003, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by buffer

Well from what I have read in other posts the listing that I last posted above is the way that I will go. SEC apparently works really well with S100 wax so I won`t question it any longer.

If anyone has any other comments I welcome them.

Thanks for the Help!

Take Care All!


Sounds like a plan. The Meg`s MPPC seems like a step that might not be needed. The #9 and the SEC will have your paint in pretty good shape for the S100 without it.


04-24-2003, 09:36 AM

I have a black car and went thru the same debate as to what to use. I have #2,#7, #9, MPCC, AIO, SG, & S100.

I read that MPCC is just a cleaner and #9 is what`s needed to remove swirls. I used MPCC, then #9 on top over half the car before AIO. Honestly, and I swear I was looking for a reason to use both products, I saw no positive difference between MPCC & #9. In fact, I thought MPCC looked better by itself.

I then saw a thread that showed relative abrasiveness of their products and it showed that MPCC was MORE abrasive than #9. I did the second half of the car with MPCC and couldn`t see any difference. Topped with S100, looked great.

I have since then used 3M SMR for dark cars and feel it is a superior product and am really happy with it.

I know Meg`s says MPCC is just a cleaner on the bottle, but it also says it will remove fine scratches. Again, Meg`s uses the terms Polish, Glaze, Cleaner, etc., pretty loosely, at least compared to the rest of the industry.

I suggest you try your own test, try MPPC, top with S100 on one area, try MPPC, #7 & S100 on another, then MPCC, #9, #7 and S100. See if you can tell a difference, which you like best, and then next time, you will be the expert and we`ll all be asking you for the results of your test!

Good luck,


04-24-2003, 10:09 AM
SamIam I will definitely take a look at the 3M SMR. After I finish off my Red Honda I have to finish off my wifes black one which has quite a few swirls on it. Black really brings out the imperfections.