View Full Version : Red Stains

04-22-2003, 10:08 PM
I have one hell of a time with red stains. Can someone help me?

*wink wink Jim

I have litterally tried EVERYTHING on them. They just dont come out.

Please help me!

04-22-2003, 10:57 PM
dr00t came by my shop today...

I was (am) stumped by red stains in the beige carpet of a Chrysler minivan. I`ll bet I tried 12-15 products - including "brake parts cleaner"

I`ll probably post "before and now" pix tomorrow - I left the camera at the shop tonight.

Still looking for help, tho... the car will be picked up at 9am Wed... so I have a moment in time yet to fix this...


04-22-2003, 11:02 PM
Scissors will get the stains out. Seriously. The carpet has probably been dyed by the red spill. If you don`t get them out immediately, lotsa luck.

Anthony O.
04-22-2003, 11:36 PM
You all need to try a two part product called "Red Relief"

You mix this product up and apply it to the stain and then apply a damp white terry cloth towel and then using an iron set on medium literally iron out the red dye.

The red dye is transferred to the white cloth via heat extraction or wicking. But as noted by Scott, the longer you wait the harder it is to get out.

I have had great success with Red Relief on Kool-Aid and red wine.

The one thing I must warn you all about is NOT to use the same iron your wife might use because the chemical smell will transfer then to whatever you iron next, which just happened to be a blouse my wife was going, key word here being "going", to wear to church....not a pleasant site that was. I had to buy another iron so now I have one designated just for the Red Relief.

I purchase the Red Relief here http://www.topoftheline.com/redredstainr.html


04-22-2003, 11:57 PM
Anthony! Thank you for your response! You may be aware that I am fairly new at this...

I acquired a "Spotting Kit" from the local carpet cleaning supply distributor. It has a "cheat sheet" which refers to Red Relief and heat extraction... the product was not included with my $149.00 kit, however.

I`ll offer the client a "do-over", and acquire the Red Relief as soon as possible...

Thanks again, Anthony!


04-23-2003, 12:05 AM
Yeah Jim, that damn stain, and how to remove it, annoyed Mark and I the whole way home. Little things like that just tend to piss me off.... I am very detail oriented. I am glad someone finally got back to ya though.


04-23-2003, 03:54 PM
So, she picked up the minivan this morning. She was astounded by the change (it reeeally was a pit!), so the remaining red stain was not an issue with her. Turns out that it is Hawaiian Punch, maybe three years old.

My first thought was to go with Anthony`s Red Relief suggestion... but I`m wondering if the three years would allow for a fair evaluation?

I`m gonna get the stuff anyway, but it ma not be for her!

Pics will follow!
