View Full Version : A new car detail. What would you use?

Cleanmaxx Brian
04-22-2003, 09:32 PM
Hi all,

I have a 2003 Nissan Frontier with 3,600 miles on it (New). I normally only use Griots Garage products on my other cars but am willing to always try something new:) My truck has little to no swirls and want to keep it that way! I have given it a coat of S100 and am very impressed. The color even got darker (richer) looking! The color is "granite" or basically a metal flake gray brown. See pictures on my web page. My question is this: Does it pay for me to order Klasse AIO and SG for such a new truck? If it does, I would do 2x AIO and 2x SG followed by S100. I would layer S100 bi weekly if it would improve shine:cool: Money is no object as well as time spent as long as the results are outstanding.

04-22-2003, 09:43 PM
it depends on if you want it looking better or not. S100 is an excellent choice for wax and I would suggest you stick with that. Klasse would definitely enhance the gloss and shine of the truck. I don`t know any vehicle, new or old, that wouldn`t benefit from a sealant like Klasse.

You don`t really need to go heavy on the AIO though. Its just a cleaner and really doesn`t do much for anything. Layering it would be an exercise in futility because you would just be removing the old layer with the new layer. Also, don`t forget that you have to wait a full day between coats of SG. Before you top it with S100 you really need to wait a full day as well. Klasse really looks its best with about 5 coats total. More than that is past the point of diminishing returns. One coat of SG per week for 5 weeks would really make your truck look outstanding. You can go nuts with the S100 after that. I do a layer every other week myself and it looks great. :xyxthumbs

04-22-2003, 09:49 PM
I agree with Jngr. I recently switched to Klasse and have been very impressed with the results. I am using Klasse SG and Platinum UPP at the moment, and I think either of those would be great for your new truck. You might like it so much that you won`t bother topping with a wax afterwards. I know I didn`t. 1xAIO and 2xSG on both of my vehicles and I am very happy with the results. I might layer on a few more coats of SG just for the heck of it.:D

Cleanmaxx Brian
04-22-2003, 09:50 PM
OK, so here is the plan: Saterday EARLY wash with Dawn blue, Dry, apply AIO, apply SG. Shoud be done by noon if I start at 7 no? Sunday late morning give a wash with car soap, apply SG again. Following week start the S100 treatment.

Any problems with the above?


04-22-2003, 09:57 PM
Sounds good, but I wouldn`t bother with the Dawn wash. AIO would clean everything off anything.

What I would do is this:

Wash with carsoap of choice

Clay wet car with car soap


AIO (make sure you read Jimwh`s instructions)


Leave it overnight

Wash with light carsoap solution (QD only if you haven`t driven it)


Following week, S100 all you want. :)

From all reports, you get better results letting the SG cure for 24 hours (not dry, but cure - let dry/haze for an hour)

The reason I say skip the Dawn is that your vehicle is fairly new, so there is no need for a harsh soap. I don`t think it would really hurt, but why do it if it`s not necessary?

Put up some pics when you`re done. :xyxthumbs

Cleanmaxx Brian
04-22-2003, 10:05 PM
OK, you are right...no need for the Dawn:up I have the Griot`s clay and really like it. I use Fast Shine for the lube. I still have to order the Klasse so I should be ready to go next weekend if the weather holds out:rolleyes: :bounce

Thanks everybody:bow

04-23-2003, 09:41 AM
Cleanmaxx Brian - Sounds like you have a good plan. Be careful to put the SG on VERY thin. Watch for the infamous "SG haze". There are many threads where we`ve helped people avoid/deal with/eliminate it, but if you get it, you want to take care of it before you put any more SG on. I don`t mean to make you paranoid, I get great results with SG and think you`ll really like it.