View Full Version : s100 paste wax/SEC

04-22-2003, 07:40 PM
I just bought these 2 products and the SEC seemed to look weird at bottom but anyways I been reading and people are saying that SEC is a paint cleaner and has oils/fillers in it so it is not neccessary to glaze like #7 after using this product.

I was planning on..(black car)



3. dacp with pc

after this step do I have to follow up with SMR or can I just use SEC because it has some abrasives in it.

4. klasse S/G or skip this step to...

5. wax

04-22-2003, 08:57 PM
My last detail was almost like what you`ve described:

Wash - clay - DACP - GEPC - sealant.

The paint should look great after DACP and the SEPC will enhance the shine and smooth out the paint a little.

From there its up to you, sealant or wax. Its a personal preference.

04-28-2003, 01:36 PM
My routine used to be:

DACP, then Meg`s #9, then Meg`s #7, then P21S wax.

Seemed a lot.

Now I am going to try DACP, then GEPC, then P21S wax, saves a step.

What do you think?

04-28-2003, 01:45 PM
I find megs swirl free and sec look great but by using no 7 or megs hand polish after sec and before the wax make the paint look soooo wet. It looks better in my opinion than sec then wax. The extra step is worth it.

04-28-2003, 01:50 PM
I have had great results with the SEPC, #7, S100 combo. IMO the #7 adds some depth and wetness that is missing without it. The SEPC and S100 have alot of shine so I like adding that depth with #7. I can post some pics when I get home from work.

04-28-2003, 01:51 PM
You mean the Hand Polish after the SEC?

I sure use something less agressive after DACP, in my case lately the 3M SMR and then GEPC.

04-28-2003, 03:43 PM
Are you suggesting that I go DACP, #9, SEPC/GEPC, then #7, then P21S wax?

I can handle the add`l step, but I thought it would be DACP, #9, #7, SEPC/GEPC, P21S wax.

Which do you recommend?

04-28-2003, 04:34 PM
#7 has no abrasives (afaik), whereas SEC does...you may be removing the #7 if you do SEC after it.

04-28-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Mage

#7 has no abrasives (afaik), whereas SEC does...you may be removing the #7 if you do SEC after it.

That would be my understanding too.

John, why not try a little test, with or without the glaze, side by side to see which one you like better?

And I think you should skip the #9 altogether. Try DACP-SEPC-P21S *and* DACP-SEPC-7-P21S in a comparo. What I`d be curious to find out is if the glaze actually makes a diff since SEPC has a good bit of oils in it already.

Give it some thought and let us know. :xyxthumbs

- - Bret - -

05-10-2003, 09:53 AM
RichPug306xsi, I notice that you go (Swirl free-GEPC(SEC)-Hand Polish-S100) but do you recommend to use DACP before Swirl Free? or Swirl Free is enough. It depends on the paint condition but I can see swirl everywhere on my car.