View Full Version : How is this routine & 3M IHG Question

04-22-2003, 04:58 PM
I`m new here, so hello!!

I`ve been reading around the site and it`s incredible. I don`t know much about detailing yet, but I hope to learn. gimme some time :p

Anyway, I am prepping my car for an upcoming show right now and am wondering what to do. This is my first time trying to get very INTO the detailing. Usually I would wash, wax, show (always taking home 1st or 2nd, thankfully!)

I stripped the old wax w/Dawn to start, then used ClayMagic clay to clean all the junk off. After that, it left the paint nice and smooth and clean. :xyxthumbs

I have swirl marks and got Meg`s Scratch X to do the job. Well, it doesn`t seem to be doing the job! The scratches are only seen when you`re right on top of the car and light is shining against it. I don`t know how picky I`m being, but I don`t consider myself to be ULTRA anal about everything. ALMOST everything, lol. The Scratch X left the paint smoother than it already was, but I still see scratches. What can I do about this??

I plan on finishing up with Meg`s #26 High Tech Yellow paste.

What polish should I use before that, though? Something that also takes out swirls or would Imperial Hand Glaze be good?

Now, one more question. Sorry to be jumping all around but I want to fit everything in. I found an old bottle of 3M IHG in the garage and the directions say to apply after polymer/sealant. What I want to know is, would it be safe to use this after I finish up w/the Scratch X or other swirl remover? I`d hate something to go wrong on my baby and I have to find out before I use it. Otherwise I won`t even touch the IHG.

Thanks in advance!! :bow


04-22-2003, 06:12 PM
Welcome to Autopia :wavey

Let`s see here:

1. Swirl marks are from poor polishing/buffing or a misuse of product. It doesn`t sound like what you`re seeing are swirl marks based on your description. It could be stress cracks that are in the paint layers or clearcoat. It happens when paint expands and contracts with heat & cold. Not much you can do about it. My car has them too.

2. Prior to #26 a glaze is best used. Try Meguiar`s #7 Show Car Glaze or the IHG if its still good. If the IHG is more than 5 yrs old I`d toss it. I have no idea what they mean with that polymer/sealant comment, my bottle of IHG doesn`t say that. At any rate, glazes fill in minor swirls prior to waxing so test the IHG on a small spot to make sure it works OK. But if it were me I`d just get a fresh bottle and chuck the old stuff.

Have you read all the articles here about detailing? Look at the top of this page and click on the pic icon that says "learn!". Read the articles. Also consider buying the Autopia Guide To Detailing e-book at www.autopia-carcare.com as there is tons of info on how to make your car show ready.

Best of luck and post some pics when you get a chance.

04-22-2003, 09:57 PM
Thanks. I also found this stuff in the garage:

Imperial Machine Glaze (after compounding, to fill and remove swirls)

Imperial Microfinishing Compound Liquid

Fill n` Glaze Pink (fill swirls, give high luster)

The containers all look old - nothing like the newer ones in stores now. They`re about 10" tall and are see-through. I`ve been reading a few articles here and there and have TONS to learn I`m sure. A little at a time :)