View Full Version : New guy here like a deer in headlights

04-22-2003, 01:18 PM
Ok, I`ve been watching my poor 2003 BMW 330 sit through a rough New Jersey winter this past year and now that spring is in the air, I`m ready to heal her up a little.

So, What the heck am I supposed to do?

I washed her myself for the first time since I owned her and I don`t like what I found.

A little scratch here, a big scratch there and swirls everywhere!

How do I take care of my prize posession?

Today, I went to Pep Boys and bought:

Meguiars Step 1 Paint Cleaner

Meguiars Step 2 Polish


Meguiars Step 3 Carnauba Wax

Am I on the right track?

I read through a bunch a things on this site throughout today and I kept seeing stuff like:

"I used VM and the DP" and "I use Meguiars DP pad with #26".

I`m like WHOA!!!!!! :shocked What the heck am I doing here! LOL

I just really love my new car and want to learn the craft of caring for her properly.

Where do I start in order to earn my "Glass" hood?

Thanks in advanced,


04-22-2003, 01:24 PM
First off.......Welcome to Autopia!

It can be truly overwhelming!!!!!!!

It took me about a month of every-day posting and reading to really get it.....

Yes, you are on the right track.

Prepare it.

Repair it.

Polish it.

Protect it.

Keep reading. Autopia`s the best thing out there!


04-22-2003, 01:33 PM
Yup, stick with it!

Like anything , before long youll be DACping and ESPNing with everyone else ;)

Washing is a good start!!

Scratches will need something abrasive to get rid of em and maybe clear off any little oxidation there might be lurking around on the clear coat.

Get yerself down to an Autobody/Paintshop supply store and find some sort of Swirl Mark Remover.

All the good brands carry some sort of product that`ll do this.

Meguirs is called `Swirl Free` and 3Ms is `SMR`.

A bag of foam/terry/MF applicators (whatever you find or prefer) to put yer megs Deep Crystal on will help too.

Some nice Microfiber towels to take the stuff off again from any of the online places here or Autozone & Walmart both stock reasonable, cheap and cheerful MF towels.

Lastly a bottle of Quick Detailer (Autozone stock this too) for finishing off should do you for now.

Then yer all set for some heavy-duty elbow work.

Anymore help ya need, feel free to ask!

04-22-2003, 01:48 PM
Best of all, start by reading David`s e-book, available at the bottom of the Autopia home page. Also, click on the "learn" icon at the top of the page, and read the articles there. And be sure to check out the Autopia Member Articles forum; great pearls of wisdom there.

:welcome ... and happy detailing!

04-22-2003, 01:58 PM
Hey, I have two questions. Do yall recogmend using one of the small yellow applicators to apply stuff, or actually using terry cloths to apply and REMOVE stuff?

Also, I really want that autopia e-book, but when I try to download it (i try about 3 times a week), it just stalls and downloads (says its opening) forever.....can anyone send me a dirrect coopy?


04-22-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by godofthunder

Hey, I have two questions. Do yall recogmend using one of the small yellow applicators to apply stuff, or actually using terry cloths to apply and REMOVE stuff?

Depends on which product you`re using. We all have our own approaches. But some products generally go better with foam applicators, others with cotton, others with microfiber. As you start to have specific questions, first try searching, but also ask them here in the Autopia University section.

Originally posted by godofthunder

Also, I really want that autopia e-book, but when I try to download it (i try about 3 times a week), it just stalls and downloads (says its opening) forever.....can anyone send me a dirrect coopy?

What kind of connection do you have? When I tried downloading it thru a modem connection, it stalled out on me during the day, but I finally succeeded when I logged on real late at night. If you continue to have problems, send a PM to DavidB. We all want you to have a copy, but it`s my understanding that -- technologically -- there`s no way for anybody to transmit one to you.

And, BTW, :welcome

04-22-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by godofthunder

Hey, I have two questions. Do yall recogmend using one of the small yellow applicators to apply stuff, or actually using terry cloths to apply and REMOVE stuff?

Also, I really want that autopia e-book, but when I try to download it (i try about 3 times a week), it just stalls and downloads (says its opening) forever.....can anyone send me a dirrect coopy?


Use whatever app works for you. Personally I hate those yellow foam discs but most people here use them. Terry-covered apps, MF apps, even kitchen sponges work fine.

As for the e-book, contact DavidB directly and tell him the problem. Could be a something simple like a browser setting. Send him a PM and explain what`s happening.

04-22-2003, 02:47 PM
if you use an instant messanger like MS Messenger or AIM some one could send the e-book to you.

04-22-2003, 03:04 PM
Hi coffee, welcome. :welcome

The stuff you bought should work, and form the basic steps of a traditional "polish, glaze, wax" detail, but since you have lots of swirls and scratches you`ll have to do more product buying and reading. Do yourself a favor and buy the Mothers Clay Kit as well. This comes with their good clay and good QD spray for you to use later.

As said, keep reading up on stuff and run the Search through its paces. Once you buy some appropriate supplies and go through the basic techniques you`ll be on your way. Remember, technique is key. :xyxthumbs

04-22-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Calestus

if you use an instant messanger like MS Messenger or AIM some one could send the e-book to you.

I think it would be better to encourage the newbies to support this forum by purchasing the e-book (its only $10) instead of suggesting they steal it from a willing accomplice.

Newbies in particular receive the most benefits from this forum so hopefully they`ll see fit to show their appreciation by spending a little of their hard earned cash at Autopia.

04-22-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by bretfraz

I think it would be better to encourage the newbies to support this forum by purchasing the e-book (its only $10) instead of suggesting they steal it from a willing accomplice.

Newbies in particular receive the most benefits from this forum so hopefully they`ll see fit to show their appreciation by spending a little of their hard earned cash at Autopia.

In this age of burn, rip and sample people forget that there ever was a thing such as Copyright Law. Giving someone a freebie of your licensed copy is not Fair Use! It may be hard to enforce, but that doesn`t make it right.

Everything adds up. Especially when you are dealing with a relatively small copyrighted item such as the GTD. You might as well take the money from David Bynon`s wallet!


04-22-2003, 09:08 PM

Everyone thinks I wanana take it now. I didnt know you had to pay! Wasnt there like a free one with the first 8 chapters? Where can I read more about whats all in it

Also, I will be doing detail soon (check under here in the Newbie wanting to do a major detail thread a few pages back). Mainly I will be using MEgs Swirl Remover #9, Glaze #7, and some Gold Class Wax


04-23-2003, 01:48 AM
I thought the first 8 chapters were still free? :confused:

It`d just be really nice if you bought it, that`s all. Compared to the cost of all the stuff you buy to keep your car sparkling, the cost of the eBook isn`t all that great in comparison. Where would you be without Autopia? :)

04-23-2003, 05:22 AM
There is a free downloadable version of the first 8 chapters.

What I`m talking about is someone giving out a copy of the full licensed version to an unpaying source.

04-23-2003, 05:56 AM
Seriously yall, I didnt know.

I tried to get the first 8 chapters from here, but it didnt work
