View Full Version : I detailed my car

04-22-2003, 12:50 AM
I detailed my car,…

Nothing special, ‘cause that’s what we’re here for,right ?

Well, my car has a little history :

I bought it second hand in August 2001, the car was build in March 2001,and was « detailed » by the dealer.(I joined Autopia in November)

I joined Autopia in November 2001 and it wasn’t ‘till then that I learned that »simonizing » your car wasn’t the same as « detailing» your car,…

I experimented with Turtle Wax, Meguiars and finaly Zaino.

Prior to the first Z-treatmend I polished the car by hand with Meguiars Scratch & swirl Remover after I Clayed.

The car looked fine and shinier than most of the other cars around.

This time some things were diffrent :

In the mean time I had bought the ROB Makita BO6040.

During the Easter hollydays I cleaned the interior(vac.,wash & dress the plastics,clean windows,…)

So ,Thursday ,April17, in the evening I washed my MPV and only needed to clay the rocker panels(the baggy-test showed that it wasn’t needed to clay the rest).

Friday-morning the car was perfectly dry and ready for polishing.

I used the Makita with the yellow polishing pad from Meguiars and the 3MPIII Machine Polish.

Look at Pic1 (http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2116&papass=&sort=1)and see what I had to deal with,…

Remember that my wife crunched the side ?(see…http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=201&papass=&sort=1)

When I turned the car into the sun to check if those swirls were gone,I was in for a mayor surprise : they were NOT gone ! ! !.

One step up on the abrasive scale :a wool pad and the same polish

Lucky for me ,that did the job :let the pic(http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2115&papass=&sort=1)do the talking ,the flash can not hide any swirls :they would show if they were there ! ! !Mind you,this still is before Z !

Now I know why it is adviced to do a section at a time, imagine I ‘d done the whole car and then,after I-don’t-know-how-may-hours I ‘d find out that all my work was for nothing,…

I did the whole car with the wool pad and the 3M Machine polish and the results were simply amazing :I can honestly say that 95% of the swirls are gone.

What about those other 5% ?Well, either I learn to live with them or I tackle them at an other moment.

Eight hours later I was done polishing, only thing to be done was to Dawn wash prior to Zaino.

After those 8 hours, the Makita was not hot from the hard labour, just barely warm.After a couple of sections I cleaned the wool pad with a stiff brush (don’t have a spur) :works fine :thumbsup :

My neighbour realy looked with those funny eyes at me :who washes his car after a whole day of « simonizing » ? ? ?

Saturdaymorning was Z-time :first a Z6 QD and then Z5.

Then Z6 QD and then Z5 , then the 1oz of ZFX-Z5 was used.

Now there was a shiny MPV, back were the metalic sparckles(sp ? ? ?),back was that mirror-like shine, back was that slickier-then-eals-in-a-bucket-of-snot-feeling,…(Looking for a pic of that ?Well, you’ll have to wait a couple of days :stupidly forgot to take one right away and in the afternoon it started to rain,and now pollen-season has fully started so the car looks like ****)

Sure I didn’t forget the door sills (waxed them with Meguiars Gold Class Paste Wax).

Is the car done now ?

No, that work is never done, especialy on a daily driver.I need to rotate the wheels and when I do that I’ll wash and dress the inside and dress the wheel-wells.

And if only I could find the courage to realy detail the engine.The only thing I did’till now is with a moist (old) mf ,kinda like dust the engine bay.
