View Full Version : First time to tweak the zaino process.

04-21-2003, 02:18 PM
Hello, I`ve used zaino for a year or so now and fairly new in the detailing world but wanted to try a few things different and needed some suggestions. My new Black car has a few swirls in it from the dealer and I wasn`t too impressed with z5. Additionally I want to try a ps21 or s100 on top of the z2 when finished to give the black more depth as my experience with zaino is it gives a great shine but lacks a bit in the depth. Plus I`ll be moving to texas and would like to have the zaino underneath for protection when the carnuba wears off. So I need a bit of help on what steps I should follow....keep in mind I refuse to use a PC out of fear and you won`t convince me otherwise.

So what I`m looking to do is Dawn, Clay, Zaino carwash, (Swirl remover or filler - 3m SMR?, other suggestions bearing in mind I don`t want to use z5). Then I will apply 3+ coats of z2 with zfx using z6 between coats. Now I want to top with ps21 or s100. What is the process for doing this? Normal steps? Any other prep between zaino and the ps21 or s100? Should I not use z6 after the last coat of z2?

Additionally once it is topped and finish I will need a quick detailer and car wash soap. Will the z6 and zaino carwash work fine even with the ps21 or s100 on top? Should I be using some other brand? Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I`m moving into an area I haven`t tried before where typically before I have stuck to one companies product line at a time so not much experience in mixing brands together.

Also where is the best wash mitts? I have tried a few 100% cotton ones and sorely disapointed with their quality....developed holes very quickly.

04-21-2003, 02:41 PM
A note about the clay - I want to try Clay Magic but should I use their spray or just stick to using zaino carwash heavily diluted with water?

04-21-2003, 02:50 PM
I can`t offer any input on your primary question(s). But I`ll be watching this thread closely, as I`m about to do precisely the same thing (sans the SMR) as you -- topping Z2 with S100.

But about the clay: I have no problem using Mother`s and ClayMagic clay with Zaino products. I`ve done it twice, and see no indication it diminishes the Zaino at all.

04-21-2003, 03:06 PM
Here is a suggestion: If you got the swirls from a dealer, make them pay for a detailer that will buff the swirls out. I have had it happen TWICE where I`ve explicitly told the dealer not to wash my car and they did it anyways. Both times, they forked over $140 each time for a full exterior detail. You would think they would learn their lesson, but they accepted responsibility and took care of it. If you spent all that money on a Cooper S, why settle for a poor wash job on their part that led to the swirls?

As far as wash mitts, Costco has some great sheepskin mitts that work better and last longer than any cotton mitt that I have used in the past. Watch out, because some of the mitts that they sell have one side that has netting to scrub out the bug/tar spots. If you dig through their supply, you`ll find some without the netting.

04-21-2003, 03:10 PM
Well the dealer didn`t wash it or wax it - they said at VPC when it comes into the states they did...they are very minor swirls - nothing that my own learning process hasn`t done in the past. They are very shallow and hard to see...so being that the dealer is 5 hours away from me(i would prolly have to show the car to them to get them to pay for it) and they have been wonderful to me in the past I didn`t want to split hairs...plus I don`t trust other people....I want to do it myself....there are some very excellent detailers out there, but I`ve seen what can happen and would prefer to forgo the hassle and just take care of it myself.

04-21-2003, 03:48 PM
Golly, that`s a refreshing attitude to hear, Casey -- after all the stormy and blustery weather Autopia has been suffering from of late! :up

04-21-2003, 05:52 PM
Same boat here. Dealer told me they did not wash my car at all but after 1 week and then it rained. All the glaze started washing right off on different parts of the body. There was whitetish specks / streak all over my bmw black car and I realized the dealer had lied to me.....bummer. Minor swirls everywhere but don`t want to burn my bridges with these guys. They just don`t have the *Autopian* mentality but otherwise their service is top notch.

This is my recipe when perfect weather permits (don`t have a garage). I have minor swirls all over but the most obvious is the hood and trunk. I`ve put a coat of S100 on it already just to have some protection on the paint.

I plan the following



Mez Final Polish

Einszett Glanz Wax

Topped off with S100

Keep us posted and post pics when you`re done

04-21-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Lynn

I can`t offer any input on your primary question(s). But I`ll be watching this thread closely, as I`m about to do precisely the same thing (sans the SMR) as you -- topping Z2 with S100.

i`ve topped two zaino`ed black cars with s100 and I can`t tell any difference, even after doing a half and half.

04-21-2003, 09:19 PM
so would it be better to not use zaino on the black cars then and just go down a pure carnumba route?

04-21-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by NewMINICooperS

so would it be better to not use zaino on the black cars then and just go down a pure carnumba route?

while I`m as big a Zaino fan as anyone and use it on my car, I would go straight carnauba on black. Pinnacle Souveran is hands down my first choice, followed by P21s.