View Full Version : Removing old wax?

04-21-2003, 08:30 AM
What do you all use to remove old wax and stuff before you put on the new? I have been using Griot`s Garage Paint Prep but just ran out and I was wondering if there was a cheaper option. I like the Paint Prep but at almost $16 a bottle I would rather use something cheaper. But, if the Paint Prep is my best option then I would rather stick to it than to skimp. And as always, thanks for the help. :up

Neil Chadwick
04-21-2003, 08:37 AM
Varasol.......Mineral Spirits!!...It also great for tar and bug removal...Since it has no acetones it will not harm paint....

04-21-2003, 08:39 AM
I heard that somewhere else but I was not sure. Is varasol the brand? Thanks

oh, and will it hurt plastic and rubber?

04-21-2003, 11:42 AM
2001civicex - For the cost of 10 bottles of paint prep you could get that new exercise bench ;) Often the product you`re switching to will remove the existing wax/sealant all by itself (GEPC, AIO, VM, etc.).

Are you thinking about taking off your Griot`s BOS?

As ejant said, Dawn (blue) is the conventional-wisdom answer for wax stripping, but it isn`t as strong/effective as you might think. It won`t do much to most synthetics, either. You might look in an autobody supply place for PrepSol or something similar.

04-21-2003, 11:56 AM
Awesome! Thanks Accumulator! And no, I am not going to strip the BOS. I am just thinking a head to my next detail job and wanted to make sure I have somethign to clean the paint with good. ;)

04-21-2003, 12:07 PM
Mother`s prewax cleaner will remove old wax and clean up the paint really nice too. It`s readily available at most stores, and is quite cheap.

04-21-2003, 12:18 PM
Can mothers just be sprayed on or wiped on and off? Or is it one of those put on and wait for it to dry then rub off?? I guess I should of said I wanted soemthing fairly quick too. Time is money$$

04-21-2003, 12:27 PM
It`s not a spray on. It is a paint cleanser, like PPCL. So it requires some pressure with the application, like any of the paint cleansers. I has the consistency of a very thin hand lotion. It does not need to haze, as it only removes, and does not put anything back on.

04-21-2003, 05:47 PM
Go to your nearest Paint & Body supply shop and look for `new car cleaner` or similar.

Its used to strip the protective coatings when new cars are delivered to the dealers.

Itll take off ANYTHING down to the paint, a quick run over with your choice of compund and it`ll be clean as a whistle.