View Full Version : Haze

04-19-2003, 07:45 PM
I`ve appllied 2 coats of Klasse gloss so far with the goal of 5 to 6 layers. I`m waiting 24 hours between each coat, but I notices some haze when the car is in the sun. What am I doing wrong? I am applying the glaze with a pc 7424. Thanks.

04-19-2003, 07:53 PM
Which Klasse? Sealant Glaze or All In One?

If SG your problem is very common. There are many threads that discuss how to handle SG hazing so you might want to search for them.

To flash cure it wipe down the car with distilled water or quick detailer. That should do the trick.

04-20-2003, 12:02 AM
I am using SG, and I will check out the threads on SG hazing. Will a microfiber bonett work well with QD.

04-20-2003, 10:37 AM
CAPEFEAR - I have a bunch of different microfiber bonnets (Viper regular, CMA/Viper "The Max", TOL suede) and find that they give inconsistent results. BTW, I`m HEAVILY biased IN FAVOR of machine application/removal whenever possible. Still, the bonnets aren`t necessarily the best way to go in this case.

I get better results and less (read "no") haze removing by hand. I let the SG cure a good long time (often overnight or longer) and I fog the surface with my breath before buffing (others use a damp MF, same idea). I like the Viper/CMA "the Max" suede-type MF for SG removal.

Oh, and watch that you don`t inadvertently apply the SG too thick when applying by machine. This can contribute to the SG haze.

If I were in your shoes, I`d NOT layer on any more SG until the next time you wash the car. I think that would help prevent a WORSENING of your SG hazing. It will be well protected in the meantime and if you wash carefully (and spot-clay as needed) there won`t be any problems. What you DON`T want to do is make the hazing worse by getting haze on top of haze.

04-20-2003, 10:51 AM
just make sure your coats are real thin, and not to apply too many coats. Otherwise, you might as well do aio and start over!!!!

04-20-2003, 01:24 PM
Repeating what others have said, some of the working theories I think sound like they may cause Klasse hazing:

-applying next coat before previous was cured

-applying too much product and/or incomplete buffing, which are related and only make the first possible problem worse.

I don`t know if incomplete buffing is a cause or curing is a cause, or some combination of the two, but I`ve noticed that sometimes even though it seems like you`ve buffed it off completely, a fog with your breath reveals it has not been totally removed (you see streaks in the fog going in the direction of application). This is especially hard to tell on light coloured cars since Klasse SG doesn`t really "haze over" all that much anyway, especially at the ultra-thin levels that are considered best.

I still may deliberately try to get the haze this spring to see if I can nail down a cause - I don`t care how many times people go :eek:


04-20-2003, 03:19 PM
Well thanks for taking one for the team 4DSC! :D