View Full Version : Black plastic handles

04-19-2003, 06:44 PM
I`ve got a MBenz with chrome/black plastic handles. The black plastic isn`t so black any more. I`ve tried cleaners, vinyl cleaners, vinyl protectors....can`t seem to get them black again. Any ideas?:nixweiss

04-19-2003, 07:44 PM
Look into Forever Black. Its a dye perfect for restoring black trim and whatnot. Lasts several months. CMA sells it as does other online stores but I don`t think I`ve seen it in a retail store. Do a search for product reviews if interested.

04-21-2003, 10:15 AM
My vote is for Black Again. I recently purchased it and have been using it in my intensive detail-in-prep-for-Concours over the last couple of weeks. I had read of some folks having trouble with Forever Black (some streaking, as I recall), so I opted for Black Again. And wow! Last night I was working on a set of tiny plastic knobs (1/2" diameter) with a zillion tiny ridges in them, and weathered/white. Tried Plexus; got shiny white. Tried Back to Black (which I have used very happily on some other vinyl); still just shiny grey. Then pulled out the Black Again -- and voila -- just like it came out of the factory. I need to do a review, if only I can stop detailing for a while.