View Full Version : Is This a Good Idea?

04-19-2003, 12:37 PM
I have a white Accord with 3 layers of Zaino on it. The shine is great. It`s very mirror like. However, there are a few problem areas that Zaino seems to accentuate. I`m considering topping Zaino with a glaze and s100. Would this make the shine a little deeper looking and conceal some of those flaws? Furthermore, if I want to reapply Zaino in 6 months, is there a good method to be sure I`ve stripped all the wax and glaze before adding more Zaino?

04-19-2003, 01:18 PM
topping s100 over zaino will give you the depth and will hide some marring from zaino.now about the glaze it`s not abrasive but the solvent in it will probably strip the zaino i`m not sure of that, there where reports that it did strip klasse.

i think you will need to wash with dawn and that will probably will to strip everything in order for you to apply zaino again and to make sure that it will bond with no problems

good luck

04-19-2003, 05:48 PM
I cant comment on Zaino as I`ve never used it, mainly due to it being more of a consumers product rather than a commercial detailers.

What I do know is that I havnt found a need to put a glaze over Klasse, as AIO does basically what a glaze does.

I usually use AIO and UPP OR a glaze topped with S100.

Depends what the customer wants, but I use those as pairs with absolutely no streaking/bonding issues.