View Full Version : Concrete on vehicles

Auto Care USA
04-18-2003, 08:20 PM
I received a call today that a company splatted concrete over 30 cars. anyone have any ideas of getting this off.

Bobby G
04-18-2003, 08:34 PM
Sure. Use distilled white vinegar and a large sponge. Don`t wipe!!! Put the vinegar in a bucket and soak the sponge in it. Lay the sponge on the cement spots for 30 seconds then rinse with water. If there is any remaining residue, you can polish it off. Just make sure all of the sand/grit is gone before you do any polishing or wiping.


Take two asprin and call me in the morning... :)

Auto Care USA
04-19-2003, 07:28 PM
David thanks for the reply. Are you telling me that this will work for cement that has hardened on a vehicle. I hope you are right. I used to take a steamer to it. Please advise. Thanks in advance

04-25-2003, 06:08 PM
I`m wondering the same thing about the concrete. Our 2 month old Murano seems to have been driven through some construction and the left rear side is covered in what appears to be concrete splatter that has dried. I can scrape the stuff off with my fingernail (with some effort) but the vinegar wasn`t working for me. The spots range from 1/2 dime sized down to areas with tons of pinhead sized spatter. Sadly, the vehicle is dark blue metallic (and is otherwise looking pretty darn good) so these spots are quite obvious. Also, some appears to have sprayed up on windows and one tire. Any suggestions? Is there a trick to the vinegar that I`m missing?

04-25-2003, 06:48 PM
Acid will etch the concrete (an acid wash is used before you layer or paint concrete so itll stick) and hopefully loosen its hold on the paint.

A good coat of wax would help prevent the concrete getting a good grip tho as concrete sets its exothermic, which is bad :(

I`ve never tried getting concrete off cars, but anything that works will be useful for the future.

marvin salud
04-25-2003, 07:51 PM
The autoint ABC system would be great for that. You guys would cringe at what people use to clean their cars at the cement plant where I work at. They use a mixture of de-limer solution and water. Although I have to admit that it works fast and I haven`t seen any real bad side effects in that their cars have no real bad acid etching. Having said all this, I would say that vinegar would probably be the best way to go.

05-06-2003, 01:29 PM
I`m still not having any luck using the vinegar on the concrete. I`ve also tried clay bar just to do it - no luck. Anybody have other suggestions?

08-05-2004, 10:45 PM
Will this work for road pant splatter?

a.k.a. Patrick
08-05-2004, 11:22 PM
From a previous thread....(If you should go to the provided link,, dont ask me how that Saab got in my reply, cuz i have no idea.....

Ok, heres the ticket....And I`d have pic`s but my son used the "movie" option on my digital camera...anyway...

Dont be afraid to use the Vinegar full strength, its not that acidic, or we wouldnt be consuming the stuff, just make sure its 5%. Im not sure if it matters if its white or red, i used white, and this techniqued worked very well for me yesterday...

Also note the cencrete had been on the car for about 3-4 weeks....

Put your vinegar in a spray bottel

Tear off a small piece of paper towel, big enough to cover the spots in question, or big enough to cover several spot, your choice. Lightly mist the area your addressing, then apply the piece of P/T, it will "glue" itself to the spot, then lightly mist again to saturate the P/T. Recheck every 15 minutes or so to make sure the P/T is still wet, reapply if necessary....

Time is all dependant upon severity of cement splatter, i waited about 20 min max. Now the tuff part about removal is lifting the cement off, its very granular, the vinegar is only going to release its bond from the paint, you still ned to find a effective way of removing it. I had VERY good luck using a razor blade, VERY CAUTIOUSLY.....I also had good luck fingernailing/wiping it off with the P/T that was on it, just try to fold it up after every wipe...

The process does work, you just need to be patient....

See my post and pic... http://www.autopia.org/forums/showt...?threadid=29657


"Hazing not allowed..."
