View Full Version : I`ve come to a conclusion with S100...LONG

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04-18-2003, 03:20 PM
OK, so I`ve been having problems with S100 (see this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21933) ).

At the help of this great community we have eliminated the chance of it being a bad jar of S100. And we think that the QD I am using (Meguiars Final Inspection) might be the culprit of why the S100 is failing in such a short amount of time.

I decided to wash the vehicle today, for one to get it clean, and two to see how it beaded up(no pics).

I`ve come to the conclusion that I have no idea if there is any S100 left on the car.

I still have the reflection and shine that the S100 would give off:



And I still have the depth of shine that a carnauba would give off...well as deep as I can get a light colored car to give off:


But after washing, with very little car wash soap (IBIZ car wash). And QD`ing afterwards with Mother Showtime QD...I have absolutely NO slickness...my fingers squeak when running them across the surface.

While washing the vehicle though, I notice that the majority of the vehicle is beading up pretty good still after 4 days, some spots are tight and a few spots are big beads, but it`s still beading.

So I really have no idea if there is any S100 left on the vehicle.

Does beading indicate the prescence of wax?

Does how slick the paint is indicate the prescence of wax?

I don`t want to give up on the S100, because of how great the car looks (tooting my own horn)...but one of the greates benefits of a well detailed car (to me anyways) besides the look, is how incredibly smooth it is when you are finished.

Looks like it`s time to move on to a different protectant.:nixweiss

04-18-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Aurorav8

And QD`ing afterwards with Mother Showtime QD...I have absolutely NO slickness...


04-18-2003, 03:50 PM
I never understood what that smiley meant?

04-18-2003, 03:55 PM
My first impulse was to post a sarcastic reply about never using anything that looked that bad on any of my vehicles, then thought better of it.

No doubt, you are sincere in your concern, but man, I don`t know how much better your car can look.

Maybe you are not getting the feel or the beading you were expecting, but you most certainly are getting the shine & depth.

Maybe you should stop rubbing your car and just drive it while people oh and ahh at the great look.


04-18-2003, 03:57 PM
I think the beading and slickness are my main concern, although petty, they seem valid.

I`ve read numerous posts on here about other peoples experienc with S100 and how slick it is...and I`m just not getting it. But I do get it on other vehicles I use?

Maybe my paint just doesn`t like it...

04-18-2003, 04:07 PM
Ok, I`ve ben quiet about this, though I also notice that smoothness after waxing (P21S) but not anymore in the next week, so I just wax it again. It looks almost as good, but after a rainy day or two and a car wash, it just isn`t there anymore. About the beading, after one week it beads the same though.

My prep is completely different from yours by the way.

04-18-2003, 04:08 PM
The car looks great!!!

04-18-2003, 04:12 PM
Another question. Would a properly prepped surface bead water like a wax? Or is the prescence of wax the reason water beads on a car?

I`ve notice that after prepping my car, and rewashing it, that the water will still roll off the car like it would with a nice coat of wax on it.

04-18-2003, 04:14 PM
The prep (polish) does it! Even spray wax in auto car washes do it, not for long though.

04-18-2003, 04:27 PM
The answer is simple and you have already said it. If S100 works fine on ever other car but yours then it is a problem with your car and not the product. You are doing something different to your car than you are doing to the others. There isn`t anything wrong with your S100. Maybe you have a crazy paint job. Or maybe whatever you prep the surface with doesn`t like S100. Or maybe you park your car in some sort of temporal anomaly. Who knows? The point is, something is on your car or you are putting something on that doesn`t like S100 to be slick or bead. I would guess its your QD, but that is just a guess. Strip it all down and start over. We can guess all we want but its not going anywhere till you strip it down and start over. Don`t use your QD and see if it still does the same thing. Its the only way you are going to know if the QD is doing it. Start with a fresh surface and maybe QD one side and not the other. There are all kinds of ways to objectivly test it. None of it is going to get figured out till you get out there and do it though. :xyxthumbs

edit: Freshly painted cars will bead water. Ask anyone who has washed a brand new paint job. You don`t need a wax or a sealant or anything to bead. The paint will do it by itself. Probably not for long though. I wouldn`t imagine your paint job would still be beading water after this long.

04-18-2003, 04:44 PM
Sorry if this sounds dumb, but you aren`t testing for slickness while your hands or fingertips are wet or moist are you?

04-18-2003, 04:56 PM
No, hands are dry.

04-18-2003, 05:01 PM
Mother`s Showtime Instant Detailer Creates the slickest surface I`ve seen from a quick detailer.

Try running a cotton towel across the paint and see how easily it slides. Don`t use your hand. Your hand will only slide on the paint extremely easily after freshly applying a product because of the large amount of oil on the paint.

imported_Larry A
04-18-2003, 05:50 PM
Did you clay before you waxed do you park under a Elm tree rain coming thru a Elm tree will deposit a film on your paint that will nix your slickness

04-18-2003, 06:00 PM
There are no trees around my house. And the car was properly prepped.:up