View Full Version : Will spot cleaning scatch paint?

04-18-2003, 07:30 AM
I park in a commuter lot Mon-Fri, living by the water, there is usually a wind blown sand film on my new Accord, or a bird bomb or 2 on the hood. What is the safest way to remove the bird droppings without scratching the paint? Also will cleaning the windshield with a cloth and glass cleaner scratch the windshield?


04-18-2003, 10:34 AM
stonecold1946 - Welcome to Autopia. Sandy, abrasive dust can be a real headache.

As Ejant said, use a QD (something with high lubricity) and a good MF to remove the bird-bombs. Get `em off ASAP. I`d worry less about scratching than about the bird poop permanently etching your paint (it can be REALLY nasty stuff).

Given the specifics of your situation (sand), I`d clean the windshield with either a PLUSH MF or a PLUSH all-cotton towel and a FOAMING window cleaner. Plan to clean it at least twice, turning/refolding the towel frequently, like after each wipe. Wipe VERY gently during the first pass, with the scratching potential in mind. But resign yourself to the inevitability of a few scratches..

04-18-2003, 01:10 PM
Thanks for your help--Do California Car Dusters leave scratches?

04-18-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by stonecold1946

Thanks for your help--Do California Car Dusters leave scratches? Nope, as long as you use it gently and sensibly (ie, don`t try to wash the car with it). I highly recommend running a search or Title search for this great tool (also abbreviated "CCD"), as it`s been discussed in detail and its proper usage, pre-use preparation, and cautions has also been discussed a lot. Carguy has some great writeups on its use. :up It`s really a great tool, and a breeze to use. I`ve found that using the CCD before QDing the whole car makes the QDing process easier and less worrisome about causing scratches because it takes care of most of the dust already.

Oh, and welcome to Autopia! :welcome