View Full Version : Qd after waxing??

04-18-2003, 12:00 AM
I remember reading that just before the customer picks up their car, the detailer would qd the car to freshen it up. Just wondering how long one should wait before using a QD if using a carnuba.

Does the wax need to "cure" before using a QD? Does this have any benefits?

04-18-2003, 12:39 AM
it depends on the QD, example FI is body shop safe so i don`t think you will have problem if used even before the wax cure.

with the zaino i always use Z6 before and after layers and it was recommended to do so.

now about the benefit of carnuba base QD they extend and enhance the shine of he carnuba wax and these are not recommended for non carnuba wax due to bonding issue.

good luck

04-18-2003, 11:56 AM
One reason they may use a qd before the customer picks up the car (and after it is waxed) is that to remove any possible residue/even out any possible smuges from waxing (not to mention to clean any light dusting that has rested on the vehicle).

04-18-2003, 01:16 PM
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I was thinking it would `freshen up` the whole job (get rid of fingerprints, missed wax removal, etc) just as they were ready to pick up the car.