View Full Version : SMR (1st Time) AIO, Do I need SG b4 S100

04-17-2003, 08:11 PM
I just used 3m SMR for the first time, rather than Meguirs. Wow, great product. Loved it.

Applied it after some FI II RC to get some scratches off the trunk. After SMR, applied AIO. Now the question.

I have a black car, an Audi. 97, has 72K miles, so it`s been around and has picked up some scratches here and there. I want it to "pop" and wonder:

1) Should I do GEPC before AIO?

2) Should I go ahead and put SG down if I intend to top with S100, or should I just go directly to S100? I read the threads, but most people seem to say SG adds some shine, deleting it add "wetness".

Again, thanks to all who rave about SMR. Is Mezerna really measurably better than the 3M "twins"?



04-17-2003, 08:36 PM
While I`m certainly no expert, I will be glad to share my experience with AIO/S100.

After using Meguiar`s #9, I applied AIO and followed it immediately with the S100. Looks great and has lasted at least 30 days and 4 washes. I did apply more S100 after a month. Looks great again.

Sometime in the near future, I plan to use SEC before the AIO, then top it with S100. Several members posted the belief that the SEC and AIO combined to give even better results than either one alone. I did do the SEC/AIO combo before applying Platinum UPP on my van, and I`m really not sure it made much difference. It looked great, but then the AIO/UPP looked great before.

If you use both the GEPC/SEC and the AIO you will have polished your finish twice with what I think are two very good products. AIO seems to do a great job of prep for anything you decide to put on it.

Disclaimers: I have used the products in this post.

All of those products were purchased and were not donated.

I receive no compensation or special deals on any of the products used.


04-17-2003, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the response. By the way, I loved your "disclaimer".

Can`t be too careful!

04-17-2003, 09:46 PM
Need SG? No. Might it be better? Yes. It might make the Klasse part of it more durable, and you`ll be putting more "stuff" onto the paint. It`s up to you if you want to take the time to do it or not, and we know with good prep you can make it look good without SG (take AMP99 for example), but I personally subscribe to the notion that having more layers of product (a layerable product) can only help.

04-18-2003, 10:07 AM
SamIam- I don`t think you`ll get any REAL benefits from using the GEPC before the AIO.

I WOULD put on some SG. It will be VERY durable and help protect the finish. Then all you should have to do for a VERY long time is just replenish the wax topper. I`ve tried it both ways and I think the SG is worth the extra time and hassle. I wouldn`t worry about it diminishing the "wetness" effect since you`re topping with the S100 anyhow. AND it just might give you that extra "pop" you`re looking for.

04-18-2003, 10:19 AM
Thanks for the response. By the way, I loved your "disclaimer".

Can`t be too careful!

04-18-2003, 11:42 AM
I highly recommend using at least 3 layers of Sg then s100. The durability and protection are great. I have a 1994 Lincoln that last july I clayed,AIO,5 xSg and S100. It still looks good. BTW I did the same thing the year before. On my Cruiser I AIO then used S100 and it looks good but I have to wax once every six weeks. The only reason that I did not SG the Cruiser was because I wanted to experiment.

04-18-2003, 11:46 AM
I have seen no real advantage of using GEPC before AIO, especially if your car in in good condition. I would, like others have mentioned, apply several layers of sg. It will create a great shine and durability. Apply s100 over it (I do and :bounce like it!!).

04-18-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by rightlane

I highly recommend using at least 3 layers of Sg then s100.
