View Full Version : Paint thickness...Help!

04-16-2003, 08:55 PM
I cant remember when it was, but i remember watching some show a long time ago and some guy had this little indicator that showed you how thick the paint was. It looked like a tire indicator (the tube-like ones that the little stick comes outa to tell you your PSI) but was magnatized. I believe it stuck to the body, and the little indicator would continue coming out as you pulled it away from the body and then it would release from the paint. Anyone know what the heck im talking about? I got my car painted about a year ago and the paint seems very thin. The paint chips off very easily and in the spots where it has chipped it looks very thin for a supposed 4base,2pearl, and 3clear coats. I personally think the car wasnt sanded well enough which would explain why the paint chips off so easily, but i also dont think i got the amount of coats i was supposed to. Can anyone help me out here???

04-16-2003, 09:17 PM
Friend had a similar paint job was 2 base 4 black 6 clear the one and only time it got chipped; that i am aware of, is when he got behind a dump truck carrying rocks...we chipped some off and that paint was about as thick as a dime...

04-16-2003, 11:30 PM

Check out this link (http://www.showcargarage.com/preppictures.html) and if it`s what your looking for, maybe Mike Phillips can point you in the right direction.



04-17-2003, 09:10 AM
Holy Crap, thats it! Times must have changed or something since this ones digital and all or maybe a more expensive version. Is there any place i can pick this up at?


-Yea, that amount of layers is similar to mine. That thickness isnt though! On my rear quarter panel i have two very tiny chips which only appeared when i was washing the car and the paint is literally paper thin. And for you copy machine people out there, im not talking no like 30lb paper either, looseleaf paper is more like it.

-Oh, and another thing. My rear bumper, as most do, comes away from the body. But on that flat portioin of the bumper before it goes down theres a tiny lip or bevel. Now on that bevel i can see all across it on the edge that my clear looks like broken up. Like the clear is flaking off. Any idea what could be causing this?

Tim Lingor
04-17-2003, 09:35 AM
They are not that hard to find. Type in a Google search "ETG Paint Thickness Gauge" The problem is that they are VERY expensive; try around $550.00 expensive!!! I want one too, but that kind of money is hard to justify if you are not a full time Pro Detailer. But, if you are, it is probably wise to have and use one!

:o (I am talking about the electronic verison. I would not waste my time on the el cheapo model.)