View Full Version : Rain Action: Is This A Good Sign ?

08-11-2004, 06:12 PM
It rained today for the 1st time since I detailed my now slightly-bruised Honda.

The water on the roof was mostly in little puddles, quarter or half-dollar sized segregated droplets. Looked like the element mercury when it is poured out, breaking up into little clumps.

Is that an indication that I did a good job this past weekend?

08-11-2004, 06:16 PM
Sounds like it but you better go takes some action pics so we can see for sure .


I`m just kiddin , don`t go take pics of the rain beading off your freshly protected car .

08-11-2004, 06:35 PM
All it indicates is surface tension, but yes, most freshly waxed/sealed cars bead water like that.

08-11-2004, 06:53 PM
Great, I wasn`t sure...that`s what "beading" is? I thought the water was all supposed to slide off....now that I think about it, it used to stay in 1 big puddle more or less on my unwaxed previous car.

Pics coming on my detail jobs...

08-11-2004, 07:35 PM
Yup, that`s what beading is... "sheeting" is when the water doesn`t bead, but sort of just slides off. Poorboys EX-P is a good example of a sealant that sheets water very well. You`ll notice that after a few weeks and washes, the car will begin to sheet water and won`t bead as much. :)

08-11-2004, 09:21 PM
Is one "better" than the other? Why would PB-EX sheet and not beed -- actually, considering that it`s not the final coat one would put on (it`s a sealant), would it MATTER? Wouldn`t what your final coat is (in my case, 2 coats of UPP) determing what your surface protection is? Thanks Matt...

08-11-2004, 10:27 PM
It`s more like personal preference than which one is "better" than the other. Most people would agree that sheeting is better for the sole purpose that beading leaves water spots on the paint. I have no idea why EX-P sheets, maybe Steve can answer that for us, because I`m pretty curious as well. Not all people top sealants with a wax though. EX-P looks great on its own, especially on lighter colors, but it depends what kind of look you`re going for. EX-P will make the paint look clear and wet, like it`s dipped in salad oil, and topping it with a wax such as P21S/S100 would add depth and wetness.

IMO it`s not only the final coat that determines what`s protecting the paint, but what`s under it as well. For example, if you layer something over Klasse AIO, you have the protection whatever you topped it with, along with the protection of AIO....but the top layer will determine the sheeting/beading characteristics.

08-11-2004, 10:55 PM
Gotcha.....my 2 cars done so far have been AIO+2 coats of UPP.
I am going to get some UGE to add to the UPP -- I was told it won`t "erase" earlier layers. I also have Eizenstat 1Z Glanz Wax which I also believe will not erase earlier layers.

Last thing I want to do is try and add a "quickie" layer of wax/final coating or do a quick S&W that takes off earlier coats. It takes alot of time to put that stuff on, I want to make sure I`m ADDING to it, not taking it off. Figure Mother Nature will be doing that enough when I stop adding protection.

I bought some Meguiers Spray Wax and was told that WOULD take away earlier work since it has some abrasives. So I am not sure if I`ll use that except on family/friends who want a quickie and don`t care what they have underneath.

08-11-2004, 11:21 PM
UGE is a QD spray. Won`t harm anything, and will restore slickness after it diminishes. S&W won`t remove it either. However, I wouldn`t use other stuff like Glanz or a spray wax over it, because that will change the look of the UPP. I`d stick with regular washes (or spray and wipe) and QDing.

08-12-2004, 08:40 AM
Gotcha...change the look of the UPP how?? Can a thin layer on to of something change how the car LOOKS, as opposed to the protective qualities?

08-12-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by HondaMan
Gotcha...change the look of the UPP how?? Can a thin layer on to of something change how the car LOOKS, as opposed to the protective qualities?
Yes, combining different products will definitely change the look. That`s why people experiment with layering different products on top of each other. I would hesitate to put Einszett Glanz Wax on top of UPP. GW smells like it is high in solvents which could compromise UPP. I`m not sure if that is truly the case, but I would use caution.

08-12-2004, 11:11 AM
If you like the look of UPP then top it with UGE. I would think any carnuba on top of UPP would change the appearance. I`ve used 1ZGlanz Wax on top of Ex. The end result was stunning in appearance. As for durability I have no idea as it was my father-in-law`s car and I didn`t see it for a few months afterwards.

08-12-2004, 02:45 PM
awd, rabbi, thanks!

I will hold off on the 1Z Glanz Wax for when I have a different layering composition. I`ll get some UGE and add that.

Having only done 2 cars -- AIO + 2 x UPP -- I`m trying to keep it simple. Later on, I`ll experiment with what I see posted here on DC.

Might be doing my cousin`s car this weekend, should be nice having 2 people help me. Will try and get pics and report back with what we used and how it came out, B & A.