View Full Version : Slickest carnauba and QD?

04-15-2003, 10:43 PM
I currrently use Souveran and CM. Is there better out there for the slick feel?



04-15-2003, 10:57 PM
PPG and Miracle Mist gets my vote. Todd

04-15-2003, 11:25 PM
just out of curiosity... why does slickness matter to you? That isn`t meant to sound derogatory or anything. I`m just wondering. Are you waxing a slippery slide or a car? :lol Is slickness more of a factor than the appearance? I`m just wondering because it makes a difference in which wax you choose. I agree with Kaleb though. The Pinnacle waxes have always felt slicker in my opinion. That could be because of the oils in them. Slicker could mean more dust. Something to consider...

04-15-2003, 11:40 PM
S100 is the slickest wax I`ve used (and that includes the Pinnacle twins, but it is real close).

Quikshine and BeadX are the slickest QDs I`ve tried.

Just for good measure, Car Polish`s Final Polish is a very slick polymer.

Mr. Clean
04-15-2003, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

just out of curiosity... why does slickness matter to you? ... Slicker could mean more dust. ...

Interesting question posed. I can`t answer for cruzmisl, but I would expect a slick surface to repel (and release) contaminants and water more readily. That is what I think I am currently experiencing on my paint finish and windshield.

A question back to you, why do you characterize a slick surface as one which attracts dust? I don`t necessarily find my surface to be oily or more dusty.

04-15-2003, 11:55 PM
[QUOTE]just out of curiosity... why does slickness matter to you?

I have yet detail a woman`s car that they didn`t run their fingers across the paint first thing. I detailed a `94 Bimmer last week and the woman smiled as she ran her fingers across the Souveran over VM. "Feels like butta" she said with a smile. :xyxthumbs

I find claying and polishing adds more to the slickness. VM with a Souveran topper is hard to beat for slickness. (haven`t tried all the choices yet though)

04-15-2003, 11:57 PM
Well, look at it this way... When your hands are dry you put lotion on them, right? Now, right after you put lotion on your hands if you were to plunge them into a bag of flour what do you think would happen? Do you think there would be a difference if you used baby oil or just regular hand lotion? Would there be more than if your hands were dry? The level of oils in the lotion is going to attract more dust. Its also going to make your car pretty slick. You could cover your car with butter or Crisco and probably get a pretty slick surface. Its going to be muddy before too long, but it would be slick while it lasted.

Its just something that I worked out in my head and based it a little on what I`ve seen cars do. Products that left more oils on the surface after they were applied tended to attract dust faster than the ones that didn`t have so many. That doesn`t necessarily have anything to do with slickness though. You could use the slickest wax in the world but if your car is like sandpaper because of clearcoat failure and oxidation then its not going to be as slick as a freshly clayed car with no wax on it at all. Surface prep has a lot to do with the slickness.

I just put together that the more oils that are left on the surface will mean the surface is slicker. More oils means more dust too. Its just a theory that I haven`t really tested. Testing which waxes leave more oils together and then feeling them for slickness would be interesting... It would depend on what you are looking for though. Is this going to be for long term slickness or fresh detail slickness? Is this going to be after 2 weeks or 6 weeks? Too many factors involved to really get specific.

I`m sleepy. When I get sleepy I get creative and think too much. lol Kinda like being drunk... I won`t remember this post in the morning. ;) Disregard my ramblings if they are too crazy. I`m probably doing a lot of thinking out loud right now.

edit: I agree 100% that slickness is important. My question is just what is the cost of the slickness? People aren`t allowed to touch my car anyway. :D Cars collect dust and fingers dragging that dust just bug me. I don`t care how slick the car is under the dust. Its supposed to be admired from a distance. :cool: No touchy!

04-15-2003, 11:58 PM
I have to agree with bunker. I have a lot of customers who run their fingers across their paint when I finish and comment on how slick it is.

I detail a Cadillac DTS and Honda Civic for an older couple. The last time I waxed her DTS, she kept running her hands across the trunk lid and saying how slick it felt and her husband said, "See, you`ve got her addicted to you waxing her car now."

04-16-2003, 10:52 AM
CRUZMISL - For YEARS, I used the Souveran/CM combo on my XJS. I just did it with VM/P21S/Quickshine and it seems noticeably slicker. Time will tell, but I`m betting that it will STAY that way after a wash or two, which is more than I can say about the Sourveran. It usually started feeling "tacky" after a while, and especially after being washed.

FWIW, it seems to me that the slicker a surface is, the less "scrubbing" will be required to wash it (contaminants will be more likely to "rinse" off). More of an issue if the vehicle gets DIRTY between washes.

04-16-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

FWIW, it seems to me that the slicker a surface is, the less "scrubbing" will be required to wash it (contaminants will be more likely to "rinse" off). More of an issue if the vehicle gets DIRTY between washes.

That is possible. My own tests have shown that P21S rinses way cleaner than Souveran. I`ve never been able to tell the difference in slickness though. All I know is that bugs love to land on my car right after a Souveran application. Something about the smell I think...

04-16-2003, 02:42 PM
Id have to go with BF Deep Gloss....then Quick Shine...

As for Gingerbreads question, its pretty much for client satisfaction, its also a selling point ? "Feel how slick the hood lines are!".

.As well as easier removal of difficult contaminants, like bird crap !, and sap....

04-16-2003, 06:28 PM
Q: Greater slickness=less dust? :nixweiss

I use Souveran on black and Pinnacle Crystal Mist. It is the slickest I`ve tried yest, but is still a dust magnet.

EO Wipe and shine is not as slick, but seems not to attract as much dust.

04-16-2003, 06:43 PM
Jngrbrdman- Roger on the Souveran attracting bugs! Malm`s does it to, as I recall. I`m surprised more people don`t mention/experience this. It`s easier to look cool when your ride isn`t drawing flies (visions of flies buzzing around Ed Roth`s RatFink). This was actually one of the reasons I decided to try P21S on the Jag!

04-17-2003, 10:48 AM
I like pinnacle cm, it is the slickest I have tried. It is not as easy to remove very light dust as say FI but is sure slick (I too have noticed the dust attraction, and also from EFCP). FI does seem to attract less dust but is not on the slick side as these two qd.