View Full Version : S100 Detail after Meguiars

04-14-2003, 03:59 PM
This past weekend, I did a full detial job. I clayed, used Meguiars X, and meguiars Hi-Tech yellow wax.. I want to use S100 now, can I apply the cleaner first then the wax? Or should I only use the wax since I`ve already used a "polish"? My car is Black, I want a deep, wet look shine.

04-14-2003, 04:07 PM
Do you mean S100 Shine Enhancing Cleanser or S100 Carnauba? You can top of #26 with S100 Carnuaba if thats what youre asking...

04-14-2003, 07:05 PM
If your car is black, and you want that deep, wet-looking shine, you`ve been missing out on a nice extra step: GLAZE. There are lots to choose from, like Mothers Step 2, Meguiar`s #7 (or maybe their Step 2), or the S100 cleanser which does that as well.

Switching to S100 wax alone might make a bit of improvement, but just wait until you see it glazed first..... :)

04-15-2003, 09:11 AM
:cool: I`m sorry I may have been misunderstood, I was rushing last night. I did a full detail on my car this past weekend on my Black car. I clayed, used Meguiars Scratch X, then I used Meguiars Hi-Tech Yellow Wax. I did not use the Glaze becuase I assumed it was very similar to the Scratch X. Well, at this point, I`m not very pleased w/my results. I have a decend shine, and the car feels smooth. But, the polish and wax left white dust residue on the car. My car attracts dust. Yesterday and today, my black car looks green because of all the dust.

At this point, I want to try something different. I have used PS21 before, on my black honda. I can`t remember the results. Now I want to try S100. Should I use the S100 Cleansing lotion first, then followed by the S100 Wax? Will the S100 Cleansing lotion remove Meguiars Scratch X? I`m going to the Harley Davidson store in Maryland to get my S100 this weekend. I can`t wait to see the results. I should also mention, I kept my car outside 99.9% of the time. So I need a wax that is long-lasting, easy to wipe on, wipe off and looks as if Scottwax did the job.:bow

imported_Larry A
04-15-2003, 09:25 AM
Use the S100 cleansing lotion first it will take off the #26. You need the cleansing lotion to polish the paint to a higher gloss then the scratch x did.Follow with S100 wax and you should be very happy The only way your car will look like Scottwax did it if in fact is if he did do it

04-17-2003, 05:50 AM
you shouldnt really have any X on your car anyways. it isnt really a filler. you could apply the cleansing lotion and that will remove any more light swirls, and wax. then apply a glaze(for depth& to fill any left over swirls that the lotion couldnt get) and then the s100 wax for protection.

04-17-2003, 06:45 AM
Try s100 SEC, then megs show car glaze or hand polish followed by s100 wax i think you will be happy.

04-17-2003, 10:03 AM

Clean, polish, glaze and wax.

Problem is theres an awesome variety of products that do some, all or none of the above LOL.

I tend towards a good abrasive compound to eliminate all the marks (SMR or DACP) then go to a glaze such as Megs OR something like AIO that also has fillers.

Top it off with a good wax of your choice (e.g. S100).

If your feeling really flush you can use a sealant between the AIO and the wax.

I use UPP.

As for the dust problem ..... depends what the weather is like where you are.

The dryer it is (I mean as in non-humid air, not lack of rain!) the greater the static electricity buildup on your car when your there polishing it with a cloth.

Cars (being sat on rubber tires) have no way to ground the static away so its left charged.

Hence dust tends to stick to it like a magnet.

Maybe some sort of grounding procedure is in order......


04-17-2003, 10:22 AM
A few things-

1. Your car is green because of all the pollen in the air, so it really isn`t attracting dust, it is just that there is so much pollen, when it settles out of the air, it lands on everything!

2. You will probably be happier by using Meguiars #9 or Swirl Free Polish (the body shop pro version of #9) instead of Scratch X. By hand, I`d use a terry cloth towel folded into 1/8ths size to apply it. Do a section at a time, then refold the towel for the next section. It is too hard to apply even pressure with a foam pad when using swirl removers. If you have a PC, use a polishing pad if you have swirls or scratches and a finishing pad if the paint already looks good.

3. Follow the swirl remover with either Meguiars #7 or S100 Shine Enhancing Cleanser. Finishing pad with a PC, foam hand applicator by hand.

4. Top with S100.

5. Stand back and admire your car. Try not to get drool down the front of your shirt. ;)