View Full Version : Most durable wax/polish

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04-11-2003, 01:45 PM

I`m just wondering what is the most durable wax or polish, one that will last the longest, and also provide protection for the paint from UV and the weather.

From what I`ve read, possible long lasting ones are:

-One Grand Blitz


-Zaino Z2

-Collinite Marque D` Elegance

-Collinite Super Doublecoat


But which one is the absolute longest lasting and provides the best protection for paint?


04-11-2003, 02:03 PM
Try a search for the wax test. What do you think is a reasonable time? I mean if one product last a couple of days longer does that make a difference?

04-11-2003, 02:04 PM
Collinite Super Doublecoat :xyxthumbs

The stuff rocks.

I`ve done AIO plus Collinite Super Doublecoat on top.

Super protection

04-11-2003, 02:25 PM
This shouldnt be in the articles part of the forum.....


04-11-2003, 04:24 PM
Hmm, I new to this board and I am displaying all posts on the exterior care forum. I didn`t know there were more posts elsewhere related to this. I`ll look around more.


04-11-2003, 04:25 PM
I`m sorry, I just realized that I posted into an articles database instead of the forum. No wonder there were so few posts here. Maybe an administrator can move this post out of here to the detailing forum?

04-11-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by ejant

Durability has a lot to do with preperation and proper application.

Definitely true.

Of the carnubas, Collinite seems to be the most durable and of the synthetics, Zainos.

04-11-2003, 06:41 PM
As for carnubas.....collinite and blitz are pretty durable.......

04-12-2003, 12:54 PM
bcwang- Welcome to Autopia. We have a few vehicles where durability is the primary objective. What Scottwax said, plus Klasse AIO+ SGx3-5.

The Klasse will last for many months, but you really do need to get a few layers on there for OUTSTANDING durability. I get well over 6 months, but that car is garaged.

Spilchy, Detailking, and others are certainly right about the Collinite. I put the Collinite 476S over top of Autoglym`s Super Resin Polish (an all-in-one synthetic) on a vehicle that`s outside 24/7 and driven in crappy weather. Last did it in early December (not a meticulous job by any means) and it`s still looking/beading fine after a tough Ohio winter. I don`t plan to redo it until I really have to, and I`d guess that`ll be a while.

04-12-2003, 03:01 PM
Hmm, after reading around, it seems that the more durable products all involve a lot of work. I don`t have much time wax my car, so I`d like it to last long, but also not take a lot of time to apply. Let`s change the question a bit.

What is the most durable, longest lasting, best protecting, 1 step cleaner/wax? Hopefully it also gives a good shine too.

04-12-2003, 03:42 PM
einszett express polish for a one step that is durable. Einszett Glanz Wax for a quick and durable shine on top of it. Easy to apply and easy to buff off. And *shiny*:)

04-12-2003, 05:17 PM
After doing more browsing, it seems that mothers reflections might give a very good shine and be more durable than average too. Has anyone tried it and can comment on durability and shine? How does the shine hold up after some weather and washes?

Do you know if the einszett express polish gives an even better shine?

04-12-2003, 08:08 PM
Not sure how much you are into getting true answers, but you could look at Guru Reports (http://www.gurureports.org/) . This publication may answer most of your questions.

04-12-2003, 11:27 PM
I do have a copy of Guru Reports. Unfortunately, there are a couple of waxes that were not tested by them, including mothers reflections. Turtle wax carnauba was also not tested, among a few others that I`ve seen at the local auto store. None of the one-step waxes tested by guru reports was really durable, so I`m hoping there is something out there that is.

04-13-2003, 10:57 AM
bcwang- Just a (final?) note on the Collinite. The difficulty of application/removal is GROSSLY exaggerated. Really. You just wipe it on and wipe it off almost immediately (don`t let it dry too long or it WILL be sorta hard to buff off). Applying it to a surface that ha already been prepped with an all in one product is a piece of cake. The K A-I-O or Autoglym/Collinite mix is VERY VERY easy. You can re-top the Collinite after a few months ALMOST as fast as you can walk around the vehicle, too.

And yes, the Autoglym SRP is a pretty durable one-step product by itself, probably a bit more so than the AIO (hard to tell).

Or go with the Einszett, people like it a lot.

My goals with our `84 Volvo wagon are similar to yours. You`re gonna be a LOT happier using a two-step process than you will be with a cleaner-wax. One afternoon 3-4 times a year shouldn`t be all that bad. If you DO decide to go with something like a cleaner wax, keep this thread in mind for future reference. I`m THAT certain. How`s that for a hard-sell?!

EDIT: OOPS, looks like you already bought the Mother`s!:o