View Full Version : Anyone ever use Wizards?

04-10-2003, 09:38 AM
http://www.wizardsproducts.com/ An old buddy of mine swore by them. I have a bottle of polish in the garage but I never used it and now it has gone thru a freeze thaw several times in my garage cause I left it in the cold all winter.

04-10-2003, 09:40 AM
A lot of people here love their Water Bandit.

04-10-2003, 09:44 AM
Cool, I should o done a search first I guess. When my Griot`s stuff is gone I was thinking of trying Wizards stuff.

Steve @ Guru
04-10-2003, 10:12 AM
You can see how Wizard`s performed in our Wax Test (http://www.gurureports.org/specialreports/waxtest2.html) - it`s information is available in our "tour" section; just click on the chart and you`ll get a full-sized print out of it.

04-10-2003, 10:22 AM
Thanks! Looks like the wax is a no no then.

04-10-2003, 01:42 PM
I haven`t used any waxes, sealants, or polishes from Wizards, but I think their QD, Mist-n-Shine, is the best non-Zaino QD I`ve tried (and that includes the highly touted ClearKote Quick Shine). Mist-n-Shine leaves the surface slicker than everything else I`ve used so far, and adds a noticeable gloss. It does a pretty good job of repelling dirt, too . . . not too long ago, we got a stretch of good weather, and I had washed the car and QDed with Mist-n-Shine. Not long after, we had snow, and the car got good and dirty. Before hand washing the next time, I took it to the spray bay to hose the bulk of dirt off the car. Dirt and mud released well everywhere on the car except one spot, the passenger side mirror. It took a moment to dawn on me why that might be . . . I had missed it when I QDed with Mist-n-Shine after the previous wash.

The smell of Mist-n-Shine isn`t unpleasant, but perhaps a little too perfume-like for my taste. I`ve never had problems with it streaking or smearing on paint, although overspray can cause some smears on windows (easily remedied with a water-dampened MF). Caveat: I also have silver paint, the most forgiving color when it comes to seeing smears and streaks, so black car owners that have tried Mist-n-Shine might chime in on that point.

It`s a little pricey, but not overly so at $12 for a 22 oz. bottle. BTW, the label says no carnauba or silicones, so it should be safe for use on sealants.


04-11-2003, 01:25 PM
Their polish sealan is sort of mid level, not the best , but far from bad. APC is great ! Smells real good, minimal effort involved....Turbo cut is wicked stuff, kind of hard to work with, but i have yet to work with a cleaner thats e-z, anyway, leaves the surface extremely clean.....I like there stuff, but i have found alternative products....