View Full Version : Good Combo for silver?

04-09-2003, 07:40 AM
After reading many many posts, I have come to a conclusion....

On my 2001 Dodge Ram in "Driftwood" I will be ordering Vanilla Moose, then topping it off with S100.

First I will:

1. Wash with Meguiars Soft wash gel

2.Clay with Mothers clay and Meguiars Quick Detail

3.Wash again with Gel

4.Polish with the VM

5.Top off with the S100.

I also will do a test with the following on a small section of the hood.




Paint clean with Meguiars paint cleaner

Polish with Meguiars Deep Crystal Polish

Wax with Meguiars Liquiad Gold

Here is a piacture of the color.... Its not my truck but same color


What do tou think?

04-09-2003, 11:08 AM
That sounds like a great procedure you have lined up. Take some pictures when you`re done!

I still think Zaino on silver is hard to beat for the look and durability.

04-09-2003, 05:52 PM
I also ordered the Moose Wax. So...... as soon as it warms up I will be doing the top two compairisons plus just the VM and MW.

I will post pictures when done.

Oh how long does it take clearkote to mail the products out?

They are in Texas and I live in Massachusetts.