View Full Version : S100 durability issues...

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04-07-2003, 11:58 PM
Ok, here`s the problem. About 2 weeks ago I went to the local Harley dealership and picked up some S100. Got home and washed the car (Dawn), then proceeded to clay it (Mothers Clay Bar), then rewashed (Meg`s Gold Class).

Brought the car in the garage, with PC in hand applied some 3M FI-II for some swirl issues and light scratches, suffered over the harsh winter here. After that, applied some 3M SMR. Then rewashed again with Dawn, to make sure that I got rid of all of the swirls/scratches.

Brought the car back in the garage, and applied some Meg`s Show Car Glaze, and proceeded to use the new S100. End results, WOW. BUT, about 4 days later it rained, the car was driven maybe a mile down the road in the rain to the store....next day it was nice out again so I washed it (Meg`s Gold Class). Noticed that there was absolutely NO beading on the top sections of the car, and the surface of the hood, trunk, and roof were not slick at all.

I`ve been detailing cars, and been around here long enough to know some of the in`s and out`s about detailing, and I went about everything the correct way, as far as prepping the surface...so why didn`t the S100 last?

I reapplied the S100 that same day to the roof, trunk, and hood...but it`s rained again, and the car will need to be rewashed after it warms back up (20 degrees currently)...I have a feeling, just from looking at the top sections of the car again that the S100 is not present again.

The sides are beading wonderfully, but that`s it.

Any idea at all why the S100 is not lasting on the top sections of the car?:nixweiss

04-08-2003, 04:40 AM
I experienced the same thing with SCPW after I applied IHG underneath. Without the IHG, my wax seems to last longer... I`m not sure if any oily glaze prior to waxing is an issue, but my SCPW and #26 durability suffers after using a glaze.

04-08-2003, 10:26 AM
I`ll have to try skipping the glaze.

There is alot of people out there, and only 1 person with an idea of why it did this?

04-08-2003, 10:35 AM
hmm, right now I have meg`s hand glaze and s100 on my Accord. I had to leave it outside for a weekend (airport parking). The wax was put on a week before and it poured that Sunday morning. Huge beads on the the roof, top and trunk.

I have no idea why there was no beading after a couple of days. Maybe try it one more time and see if it happens again?

04-08-2003, 10:37 AM
No probs here with s100, over IHG, megs hand polish or no 7, something weird going on for you.

04-08-2003, 10:43 AM
It seems I have a similar problem as you do. Sometimes when I use it, it`ll bead like crazy. Then others it seems as if nothing is on there.??:nixweiss I chalked it up to the hot sun beating down on my black car. This past time I used Meg glaze underneath and noticed that the wax didn`t bead. Anyopne else have any ideas?


04-08-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Aurorav8

I`ll have to try skipping the glaze.

There is alot of people out there, and only 1 person with an idea of why it did this?

Carnuabas are not know for their longevity, especially during hot weather. With a few days last week in the hi 70`s and 80`s maybe that had an effect. I always have a sealant beneath my carnuabas so heat, rain, snow may degrade the carnuaba but the sealant is still present ( which means beading is still occurring) until re-enforcements arrive. This combination works for me on maintaining beading when using P21S and Souveran .:cool:

04-08-2003, 12:02 PM
I applied S100 over SEC about 3-4 weeks ago. Since then we have had several days near 80 (black car too). Weather yesterday was rainy. Water still beads, nice small ones too, less than 0.25`` diameter. Punch the gas, watch the wave of beads get pushed off the car.

just another data point, it can`t be just the S100, something else must be going on.

04-08-2003, 12:12 PM
Maybe the no beading was from the car wash? I`ve noticed a hose doesn`t always bead the same as rain, and carwash definitely temporarily stops the beading. Maybe if it will rain again soon, see if the beading has returned?

04-08-2003, 12:47 PM
Car Washes are known for creating sheeting ( some type of additve :nixweiss). This helps with the air-suction drying and decreasing water spotting. Also the strength of their soaps may be be very strong and really effects the carnuaba`s protection.

04-08-2003, 12:53 PM
maybe it was something with the washing. Did you happen to use the same wash mitt to wash after the s100 as you did with the dawn? Or same bucket? If there is some dawn in the mix it might of stripped it off.

04-08-2003, 12:56 PM
If you determine that the glaze is the cause, try Mothers` glaze. I have used it many times under S100 (and over S100/P21S PCL) with great success.

MBZ 500E
04-08-2003, 01:36 PM
I think blkZ28 is spot on! The Meguiars Gold Class Car Wash as well as I believe the Eagle One Car Wash causes a sheeting action to eliminate beading. This is done to prevent water spots after washing a car.

04-08-2003, 02:24 PM
I use Gold Class to wash the car, with a different mit than what I use with the Dawn.

I reapplied the S100 to the top panels of the car after I got done washing it...it has been raining here for about 3 days now, and I`m not getting any beading from the rain sitting on the top panels.

There are BIG water drops on part of the top panels, the other parts have just dried, no beading at all...but the sides are still beading nice.

I will probably strip everything this weekend, weather permitting, and start over since I have some Vanilla Moose coming this week. I`ll see if that helps.

I`ve had #26 on the car all last summer, and that lasted twice as long as the S100 in temperature that was anywhere from 20-30 degrees hotter.

MBZ 500E
04-08-2003, 02:46 PM
That`s really weird. I can`t imagine the wax can`t hold up longer than that. I`ve had Meguiars Gold Class withstand very high temperatures (No Rain & up to 105F) for up to 6 months and it still beaded perfectly. I`ll make a note of checking the S100 after a couple of weeks in high temperature to see the results.

The sheeting action theory obviously won`t apply here since you haven`t washed the car after last applying the wax. :confused: