View Full Version : what is the `perfect` amount of glaze & wax should I apply ??

04-06-2003, 02:46 AM
Today is the first time I waxed my car. Very tiring indeed. I can`t remember how much water I drank after doing my car, I`m sure is A LOT !!

OK, I have questions ..

How much amount of wax should I apply ?? Is it untill you see frost/haze or just very thin layer ??

How much glaze do you apply ? Is it a lot or just small portion and spread it ??

Last, how do you clean your applicator pads ?

This is what I did today







04-06-2003, 10:38 AM
1. Apply wax as thin as you can.

2. Apply glaze the same way and buff until there is almost no residue to wipe off.

3. I clean pads with diswashing soap and water, by hand in the sink.

04-06-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by bretfraz

1. Apply wax as thin as you can.

2. Apply glaze the same way and buff until there is almost no residue to wipe off.

3. I clean pads with diswashing soap and water, by hand in the sink.

So the proper way to apply the glaze is to keep rubbing it into the paint? The few times I`ve done this I`ve applied much like a wax and let it haze before removing - is this wrong?

04-07-2003, 08:49 PM
You want to work it in fully in order to fill in as many swirls as possible so, yes, apply it until there is almost none left. That haze will be tough to remove unless you work in the glaze completely.