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04-03-2003, 11:06 PM
I can`t choose between the two, Zaino z2 or s100. I see w/ the z2 though most people also have the z6 to go w/ it, does anything go w/ the s100? I want to get one of these tommorow or this weekend, opinions would be great. I`d be using these w/ mothers pre wax cleaner, mothers showtime and ag extra gloss protection. I want a wax to go over the gloss. Thanks (if i`m doing something stupid please tell me as i`m still a newbie at this stuff :o). This will mostly be used on a white car and grey/silvery car.

04-03-2003, 11:46 PM
You could really use the Mothers Showtime QD with either Zaino or S100. Z6 is preferred by Zaino users, but not "required". QD is something that is usually fairly universal, but some specialized QDs sometimes are said to be slightly better for various reasons.

If you really want to go with Zaino, you might as well simply use Z2 only without the AG Extra Gloss, since they`re identical types of products, so what`s the point. Using S100 over AG Extra Gloss (or Z2...) is a more conventional idea - topping a sealant with a wax.

As with everything, the important part is the prep before you start laying on protection. I don`t know (or can`t remember :rolleyes: ) what condition your paint is in, but be sure you`re equipped to deal with any imperfections you have - like all pre-wax cleaners, the Mothers cleaner is quite mild.

PS: I believe for Z2 you must buy either Z1 or ZFX, not just Z2 alone...

04-03-2003, 11:59 PM
My paints in pretty good condition now. (cept one panel was repainted before i owned the car and now that i polished it...i can see the diff). I guess i`ll go w/ s100. The zaino though, do people use it like a concentrate and mix it in a spray bottle with water or something? I know i don`t do this w/ the ag extra gloss. Also what other "pre wax cleaners"/polishes would you recommened since mothers is mild.

04-04-2003, 12:13 AM
You mean mix Z2 with water and spray it? No, you don`t do that. Z2 is a product just like Extra Gloss except you need Z1 or ZFX to make it work. Zaino might last longer though if that matters to you.

For cleaners/polishes you don`t need anything stronger than the Mothers if your paint is in good condition and you`re satisfied that it`s swirl free. Swirl fighting is mainly what all the talk about PCs and different strengths of polishes you read about on Autopia is about. After claying, wash if needed, polish lightly with the Mothers, lay on as many coats of the AG as you desire, then top with wax. Do those last 2 steps over several sessions of course. ;)

04-04-2003, 12:31 AM
Nice. Thanks a lot. Another question, can you top the QD, glaze and wax on top of each other in no particular order and it`s fine? I found that i used a lot of the glaze pretty fast being a liquid, how do people use for exampe the zaino glaze so sparingly?

04-04-2003, 01:09 AM
MikesJo, have you read the Autopia Bible? It`s David`s e-book, available at the bottom of the Autopia homepage. It`ll probably help you with lots of the basic concepts as well as specific techniques. It`s sorta the indoctrination most newcomers need.

Long before you think about Zaino vs. S100, you need to focus your attention on surface preparation. Most of us begin with a careful wash, claying, then polish/glaze to be sure the surface is truly clean and free of scratches and other defects. Only then do you move on to the decision about whether to use a sealant and wax, or just a sealant, or just a wax.

I may be way off base here ... but ... I`m just a tad curious about your saying the paint`s in good condition. I have a classic car and when I found Autopia, I thought the paint was in tip-top condition. But then I clayed it -- just `cause lots of Autopians said it was The Thing To Do -- and zounds! then I discovered what a car`s finish is supposed to feel like. [My little eureka experience is covered in this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16218).]

Take your time. Don`t rush into this. If you decide to apply a sealant like Zaino, it`ll be harder to go back and deal with the surface-prep issues. (In fact, some of the high-quality sealants seem to magnify any remaining defects in the paint finish. If you choose a wax instead of a sealant, that`s not so much a concern.) So ... work on prep first. Then, when you get around to applying a sealant and/or wax, that`ll be just the icing on the cake. Perfection isn`t built in a day. :up

04-04-2003, 01:14 AM
Thanks Lynn ;). Just this passed weekend i did that. Washed, clayed, polished and sealed. And the paint was SMOOTH! Prep work has been done and oxidation removed. (that one door really pissed me off though cause i went over it twice and it still wouldn`t be the same as the rest of the car, repainted i think because there were scracthes on the top of the panel and none on the one beside it). My cars pretty old too, 91 318is. Thanks for your concern though Lynn :up.

04-04-2003, 01:40 AM
Wow! You work fast, MikesJo! Can I intern with you??? That kind of work takes me an entire week. :bow

I am really glad to hear you went the whole nine yards. :up It will pay off. So what`s next? Have you decided about the sealant/wax dilemma?

Originally posted by MikesJo

My cars pretty old too, 91 318is.

Old?? OLD???? My dear boy, my baby is a 1975. Yours is an infant. :p But keep giving her loving attention, and she`ll age gracefully.

04-04-2003, 01:44 AM
Oh i just saw your 93 benz oops hehe :D. Yea i spent from 3 - 11 doing the car. Had to move it into the garage. I sealed it w/ the AG glaze but i sort of prefer the wax paste stuff better. This is all i had around since my dad uses it, so that`s why i`m debating on the s100 or the z2. What are your comments on these 2? hey i checked out that link. What did you use to do the engine? (my engine is sh*t). Was it hard?

04-04-2003, 02:29 AM
Nope, you ain`t seen the `93 Benz. I haven`t gotten around to posting pix of it yet. I`ve spent all my time on the `75 Jag. At the moment, I`m using the Benz as my "test bed" for other products. (By the way, you can pix of the Jags in my gallery (http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showgallery.php?ppuser=3936&cat=500&thumb=1).)

If you decide to try Zaino, you`ll want Z2 and ZFX as sealant for your light-colored car, plus their QD. Go to the Zaino website (http://www.zainobros.com/) for more info. And do a search here for tons of tips and tricks -- especially Nick`s Zaino tips & tricks (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19414).

Engine detailing?? Oh lordy!! That`s a whole `nother subject. I spent two weeks with my head under the Jag`s bonnet to get her ready for her first real Concours. I tried lots of the Autozone-type engine degreasers, but none of them was very effective on an engine that hadn`t been detailed in over a year. Ended up using Orange Blast (one of the Walmart-style orange cleaners), and wasn`t thrilled with that either. This Concours season, I`m thinking about the EF cleaners, and (thanks to a tip from BradB) brake-parts cleaner, and Simple Green (recommended by several Autopians). (Actually, right now I`m planning to do an Autopia poll to gather Autopians` opinions about engine cleaning.) BradB has told lots of us that the only really effective way to do this is to take the engine apart, and clean `em bit by bit ... but I don`t know that I have enough expertise to try that. :( I`ve also bookmarked this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13432), which seemed to show some pretty amazing results. Do a seach here for engine cleaning,and you`ll find lots of tips and recommendations.

04-04-2003, 03:09 AM
Thanks Lynn. Yea i`ve seen that thread and keeping it in mind. Might try what he did there. As for the Zaino i think i`m going to go with the s100 first. I like your computer btw :xyxthumbs. (cept i like the Radeon better :D). I don`t think the engine in my car has ever been cleaned! It`s so terribly bad. Well first the s100 then off to research some engine stuff hehe. Thanks again

04-04-2003, 01:32 PM
MikesJo, I`m glad you got some work done on your car. One thing I think you need to work on though, is your understanding of what these products are and what they do. QD is not a product you "apply" to the paint in a layer or anything like that, it`s just something you use whenever you need it for the jobs that QD does. Zaino and AG Extra Gloss are not glazes, they are synthetic polymer sealants or "waxes" really (though some say it`s not quite right to call them that). Glazes are glazes and something different all together. Glazes should be used prior to applying carnauba waxes like S100, but NOT with sealants like Zaino and AG.

As suggested, the Autopia eBook is a very good information and technique primer, and the Search function can teach you even more, especially in combination with the eBook. If you have the patience to read, and to use the different options in the search engine and use more specific searches, you can turn up piles of very enlightening info. A great deal of what I know comes from simply spending hours reading and reading....

Good luck and hope this helps you.

04-04-2003, 06:29 PM
Thx 4dsc. It`s ok to put a carnauba on top of a sealant though right?

04-05-2003, 10:49 AM
Lots of Autopians do that. Try searching for "topper" or look for specific combos like "Zaino S100" etc.

04-05-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by MikesJo

Thx 4dsc. It`s ok to put a carnauba on top of a sealant though right? Yup, look up...
Originally posted by 4DSC

Using S100 over AG Extra Gloss (or Z2...) is a more conventional idea - topping a sealant with a wax.