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Scott P
04-02-2003, 10:10 AM
Upon frequenting another website, I stumbled on a thread about Zaino. Here is one post I found amusing...



Yep. I saw this beautiful truck in our parking lot a while back and had to ask how he kept it looking so great. Kerosene he said. His father swears by it and he has used it on every car he has owned. Every second or third wash he puts a cupful of kerosene in the wash pail and not only does it remove all contaminants but leaves great shine that also repells water.

I swear that is what he said!


Who new the ultimate car shine product was just a gas station away? :D

Chan Bates
04-02-2003, 10:28 AM
On a motorcycle trip to Alaska in the early 70`s, I had some young boys offer to polish my Motoguzzi for me since it was covered with dust from the dirt road. I asked how they would do it, and they said they would use kerosene because it would give a good shine.

My thought was that the oil would attract and hold more dust, so I politley declined. CB3

Nick T.
04-02-2003, 10:41 AM
Not as dumb as it sounds! Did you ever use a tar remover on your rocker panels and notice how nice they look when you’re finished? That tar remover is mostly kerosene! Wiping down a for-sale tractor with kerosene is a standard practice of farmers. Much better than the used-car lot owner having the yard-boy wiping down the cars with Armor-All!


04-02-2003, 10:50 AM
Crisco will probably repel water too.:D

04-02-2003, 11:27 AM
Back in the early-mid `70`s my best friend`s dad (ex-army mechanic) used kerosene on his `62 Chevy work car. As I recall, that car had over 300K miles when the odometer broke in `72 (!) and he REALLY put the miles on AFTER that (!!), commuting from Ohio to WV year-round (he was a FANATIC about mechanical upkeep). Never saw anything last like that car did. It was outside 24/7 and got washed MAYBE a dozen times a year. It sure never looked "good" but it never looked as awful as you`d expect, either. And the OE paint held up surprisingly well with that regimen.

Steve @ Guru
04-02-2003, 12:00 PM
I see and get e-mails about using kerosene and all sorts of other "home remedy" products for car care - I think I`ve probably seen or heard them all....and it continues to kill me-

Why don`t people accept the fact that technology changes and improves across most facets, including car care? Why use a coarse, dirty t-shirt when you can have a nice, clean microfiber?

If we all approached life like most of the "detail veterans" approached car care, we`d still be wearing burlapp sacks for clothes (them fancy Levis is too dernd expensive!), and instead of using PC`s to exchange these thoughts, we`d be using carrier pigeons.

It kills me! :wall

04-02-2003, 12:14 PM
I recall an article in the paper about 30 years ago that the fire department used the cup of kerosene in a bucket of water for their wash. I am sure the oils in kerosene enhanced the shine. Like Geeky said there have been changes in paint technology.

Kerosene is still used as a tar remover

04-02-2003, 12:42 PM
Used to be an old car dealership trick.....gives a sweet shine!

04-02-2003, 01:24 PM
No smoking near his truck !!!!

04-02-2003, 02:23 PM
My Uncle, who is from Italy, used to do this.

I thought it was an "Italian" thing...

Non-clear coat paint jobs were the norm then, right?


From the time of..."Turtle Wax gives a hard shell finish-Turtle Wax!"

remember that one???

04-02-2003, 04:05 PM
I knew somebody a few years back who owned a used car dealership and kerosene was all they used.

imported_Larry A
04-02-2003, 04:12 PM
One cup of kerosene in a bucket of water is a old time trick It kept the road film off the paint and the kerosene would coat the metal clips that held side mouldings on and help prevent rust It was good for cleaning windows You had to use pure white kerosene diesel fuel would not work

tom p.
04-02-2003, 04:12 PM
Kerosene: It`s how people detailed their cars 75 years ago...no joke.

04-02-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by tom p.

Kerosene: It`s how people detailed their cars 75 years ago...no joke. I`ve heard that before. I did a search for "kerosene" months ago and there was this old thread discussing how it worked for the old old paints that they used to use.

Last year sometime as I was browsing through a local store an old guy came up to me and suggested kerosene. I wish I had some of the knowledge I`ve accumulated since then to respond to that "advice".... even then I knew it was crazy though.

04-02-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

Last year sometime as I was browsing through a local store an old guy came up to me and suggested kerosene. I wish I had some of the knowledge I`ve accumulated since then to respond to that "advice".... even then I knew it was crazy though.

Yep! Tell him how crazy he is to use one product, kerosene, to take care of his car every time he washes it.

Be sure to explain to him how he really needs $150 to $200 worth of machine, another $50+ of MF towels, (he may hit you right about here), $20 worth of applicators, $5 to $20 worth of wash mitts, DACP, #9, SEC, AIO, SG, S100, QEW, S&W, three or four different QD`s. Be sure to explain to him that`s what you, (I), use this month, next month will probably bring another $100 worth of new products we have to try.

So, just who is crazy, him or us?:nixweiss

Might be a tough sell.:D
