View Full Version : Getting packing tape residue off tires??

04-01-2003, 09:48 PM
I bought some tires from an individual and he wraped them with packing tape to keep the address lable in place. When I removed the tape a few week later it left the gummy residue behind.

I have tried bleachwhite and a brush so far with little results. Before going out and buying goo gone and any other product I can think of I was hopeing someone had had this problem and could point me in the right direction


imported_Mobile detail
04-01-2003, 10:34 PM
100% ispropyl alcohol. then make sure you dress the tire.

or, you could just put them on the car, STOMP on the gas and smoke off the gummy residue:lol and if you do it this way.... please remember that :showpics

04-02-2003, 10:27 AM
kempie- Welcome to Autopia. The alcohol is a good starting point, very safe, won`t damage the tire any. If it doesn`t work, you`ll have to get more aggressive. Goo Gone (or equivalent) or an Adhesive Remover (3M makes a good one, or Wurth Cleans-All) will remove the tape adhesive residue, but it can/will also react with the tire`s rubber (the problem is that the adhesive isn`t all that different from the tire`s rubber), so be sure to go easy and wash the tire afterwards. MINOR solvent damage will gradually disappear.

04-02-2003, 07:04 PM
Thanks guys. I`ll start w/alcohol & work up to GooGone if nesessary.