View Full Version : Car bras...... can be a serious hassle to install

03-31-2003, 01:42 PM
Just got around to installing my Carbra.com bra on my 01 SS and it`s a serious hassle. A VERY tight fit indeed. The metal bend bars with fabric coated on do not fit right in the vent areas of my SS grill. I feel like I`m scratching my clear coat as I try to put the bra on....... I feel like sending it back. I ended up stipping out the plastic anchor in the wheel well where you srew in the snap screw. Man, this is irritating.......

Anybody else have these problems?

I might buy the Colgan bra instaes now........


Anthony O.
03-31-2003, 01:49 PM

no offense meant here to you but I would never use a car bra unless it is of the "Clear Bra" or Invisishield type.

Fabric bra`s are not only a hassle installing, as you have found out, but they do more harm than good to a paint finish IMHO.

They hold moisture in, plus grit and grime and get in the way when washing and detailing, unless of course you wish to go thru the hassle of removing it and the re-attaching it when done.

I would personally send the bra back and get a Clear Bra installed.


03-31-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco


no offense meant here to you but I would never use a car bra unless it is of the "Clear Bra" or Invisishield type.

Fabric bra`s are not only a hassle installing, as you have found out, but they do more harm than good to a paint finish IMHO.

They hold moisture in, plus grit and grime and get in the way when washing and detailing, unless of course you wish to go thru the hassle of removing it and the re-attaching it when done.

I would personally send the bra back and get a Clear Bra installed.


I agree 110%! I had one on my 94 Sonoma and it did nothing except hold water and dirt. Not to mention I ripped it trying to get it on and had to get a new one it was so tight. When I finally got rid of it I had to spend a day rubbing my hood out to get it to shine again!

03-31-2003, 02:18 PM
Anyone who thinks they can just put the bra on and then leave it there is not in reality. They are very high maintanance. I only put mine on when I`m going on a long road trip. They aren`t for daily use IMO. That is what the clear bra is for. So you don`t have to mess with getting it on and off everytime you take a trip. In hindsight I wish I had gotten a clear bra on when I bought my car. I wasn`t an Autopian then so I didn`t know any better. Now I hang the bra in my garage and only put it on when I`m going further than a couple hours away. Especially in the fall when the bugs are so bad. They do serve a purpose but you should never have it on when its raining or snowing or being washed. Keep ti dry and don`t keep it on all the time and they are great. Just really high maintance. I`ve got a Colgan bra and I love it. It has saved me some paint damage for sure. Just like everything, you`ve got to be careful with it. A clear bra is a safer and more hassle free solution. Some cars look good with a bra and some don`t. It just depends on your personal preference.

04-01-2003, 04:25 PM

You might want to try to leave the bra out in the sun for a little while prior to installing it; it is easier to stretch once it is warm. Alternatively, leave it close to a hot air vent inside your house.

04-14-2003, 09:35 PM
Depending on who the kit manufacturer is has a lot to do with the install. If it it too small like in many cases, you have to grab and stretch it corretly. Tis is the harest part to understand for a good install. The 3M product is designed to stretch up to 25% of its size before the adhesive will break down.

Most companies such as RockBlocker.com design their kits to be a little small for the area to be covered. The reason why is that when correctly stretched into place the material will fit better like a tight driving glove. I wuld not usggest getting the material to warm unless you are quick with the install. The best temp. is around 75 to 80 degrees. That way the solution does not dry to quickly and it allows you to align the material.

04-14-2003, 11:12 PM
*waves hair drier in the air*

This any good ??

I use em when im applying graphics/stickers and it warms em up luvely to get round curves etc.

04-15-2003, 09:32 AM
waves hair drier in the air

You can use heat to seal the edges down. I wouldnt use them to make the material bend. If you are not careful with it you can cause the material to get damaged and shrivel up. I alwyas use a heat gun after I am done. I dont need any edges coming up later.