View Full Version : Is it a waste

03-30-2003, 08:12 PM
would it be a waste of money if I bought Pinnacle Souveran and P21S at the same time?

03-30-2003, 08:25 PM
Well, that`s totally your call, man. What will you be using it/them for?

If you can afford to spend $100 right off the bat like that on two waxes and would like to try both, then by all means, go for it. They are both excellent waxes (I`m a P21S user myself, having never tried Souveran) and very comparable.

So comparable, in fact, you`d probably be hard pressed to find a visible difference in the results of the two. I could be wrong, but hey, they`re both great!

03-30-2003, 08:26 PM
probably. If you had to choose between one or the other then I would choose the P21S. These are the reasons I have:

Souveran attracts insects to your car. Its true. One of the things that I noticed when I was using it was that right after a coat of Souveran the bugs would come and land on the car. It took a day or so before whatever is attracting them to wear off. If you like fending off the bugs while waxing, then Souveran is your horse.

P21S rinses cleaner than Souveran. See the test I did a few months ago in the product review forum. Dirt and dust just doesn`t cling in the rain to the P21S as the Souveran side. That is just so worth it to me.

Price is a huge factor. I can get two jars of P21S or 3 jars of S100 for the cost of the cheapest Souveran I`ve ever seen.

The appearance difference between the two products is barely noticable. There is one on certian color cars though. Its not something you would notice unless the products were applied side by side though.

With those factors in mind I would just get the P21S. If you really want to use them both then I feel that you will notice a difference. Different waxes will give your car a different look. They are obviously different so its just a matter of what you are looking for. You won`t be disapointed with either one of them.

03-30-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by ejant

I did and I don`t think it was a waste.

What do you mean by that

03-30-2003, 10:11 PM
Murph 1083,

What color car to you have? Can you afford both at the same time?

I have jet black paint and I have Souveran and P21S.

Black paint is a funny thing. I have achieved great results by polishing first, using a sealant next and then using a combo of Souveran and P21S wax, usually using Souveran as the final coat. Is it worth it? To me it is.

Remember, Souveran on a dark colored car will produce more of a deep, wet, liquid shine. On a lighter colored car, I personally would go for the P21S because it produces more of a shiny, reflective shine.

On my car, I tend to go for what looks the best and deal with the rest.


My Black 7 Series (http://www.cardomain.com/id/amp99)

03-31-2003, 02:23 AM