View Full Version : Forever Black Pictures

03-29-2003, 02:35 PM
I posted a few days ago that I did not have a good experience with Forever Black. I was able to take pictures to show what I experienced. I will post two pictures.

The first picture shows the streaking I experienced with Forever Black. My guess is that the product dries too quickly so it can not flow very well. Maybe this stuff will work if you use a rag? It does not work well with the supplied applicator or a foam brush.

I am in Virginia, and temperatures are in the 70s, so I do not think heat is an issue.


03-29-2003, 02:42 PM
A few comments were made that better cleaning may have helped. That is still a possibility. Since I wanted to try Forever Black, I didn`t apply to all of the trim. So I have attached a picture of a section of the trim, with Forever Black, that I did not clean.

The result shown in this picture is what I would expect if I did not clean the trim. Silicone, wax, road oil, and who knows what were on the vehicle after our winter. Forever Black didn`t cover it well, and I would not expect it to. (This is after sitting one day in the sun)

But my previous picture shows a piece of trim cleaned with tar and bug remover. I think Forever Black adhered well, but it did not cover evenly.

Not sure why, and your miliage may vary!


03-29-2003, 04:45 PM
I had similiar expierences with the product. Trim detailer is one of those things on my lists of products i haven`t found yet that i`m happy with. I have really good towels, and waxes and stuff, but nothing for trim or windows i really like.

03-29-2003, 04:57 PM
I thought it did a pretty good job on my bumpers and trim, but it streaked on the targa top on another car. I did not, however, try a second coat on it.

03-29-2003, 10:18 PM

I would follow up with some type of cleaner after the Bug & Tar removed. Some of these products leave a film behind that could definitely interfere with the Forever Black. Some even contain a wax to leave behind a shine. I use TW B&T remover and it needs a follow up cleaner to remove the cheap wax film left behind.

Might just be the product (I have never used it), but its something to try.


03-29-2003, 11:33 PM
What do you use to clean it before you apply it? (I don`t think i`ve cleaned my trime before). I use autoglym vinyl and rubber care or instant tyre dressing on the trim and bumpers and it looks good. Better than the picture you first posted.

03-30-2003, 10:44 AM
Good point on the bug and tar remover. I used a 3M brand, and am not sure if it would leave any film behind.

However, I still think the streaking is caused by the product drying quickly and not flowing out.

MikesJo, I wanted to find something that would put the color back into hard plastic trim, so the idea of a product that was a dye seemed good.

I have used Mequires #40, which works well, and Black Again, which is an excellent product. But both are some form of oils or silicone, so they eventually evaporate. Then you are back to the weathered trim look.

I am going to stick with a regualr treatment of Black Again.


Anthony O.
03-30-2003, 10:49 AM
This issue is an odd one because while I have used the Forever Black, and hated it, the Pre-cleaner they include with the Forever Black is fantastic.

I used it to clean a Merc. trim piece and then applied the Forever Black, and in fact applied two coats. I came to the conclusion that the trim looked its best with JUST the cleaner!

So I have shelved the Forever Black and use the cleaner and either leave the trim alone or dress it out with Black Again. The Forever Black does seem to work better on trim that is semi-porous but it will remain on my shelf.

Also, IF the trim you are seeking to detail is in fact hard plastic then I would not recommend a liquid type dressing but rather use a paint polish or Plexus. A dressing will 1) have a difficult time adhering to the plastic and 2) will wash off the next time it is washed.
