View Full Version : Please Advise! Need help removing overspray from Chrome/polishing>>

03-28-2003, 12:51 AM
Hi all,

I`m new to the forum and excited to be here!

I need help with my latest dillema:

I bought a set of Chrome wheels for my 300ZX Twin Turbo. The guy who owned them before me had these wheels on his car, and also on when his car was in the paint booth getting resprayed. One of the wheels has some overspray, which if I take my fingernail and scratch at it with some effort will start to come off. But I imagine the surface area of this wheel and the crude nature of my technique would be tedious to say the least!

Anyway, I`ve been trying to figure out what to use on the wheel to take off overspray particles, b/c I know underneath is a real nice chrome wheel that will look amaZing on my Z!

I asked a paint shop and was suggested to use laquer thinner to take off the overspray. I did this, and got most off, but it hasn`t taken 100% off. Also, before trying this, I stooped as low as to buy the cheap Turtle wax auto chrome polish to try on the wheel surface (it was cheap) and didn`t get anywhere very fast. It was slow to remove some overspray and I knew I didn`t want to continue at that pace. The laquer thinner worked much quicker, but I am living off the buzz I got from being around the chemical this afternoon, lol. I`d rather not have to repeat this method any more......

Any one have any suggestions on how to continue and finish this? Another issue is that after using the chrome polish, there are fine scratches on the chrome surface, maybe due to rubbing off the paint particles and those rubbing against the chrome finish? What can be done to correct this? What sort of products are recommended to use, what technique, etc?

I`d like to revive these otherwise very nice chrome wheels to like- new to compliment my pretty Red Z.

Thanks in advance.

03-28-2003, 12:58 AM
I would try claying the wheel. I have only tried Pinnacle Poly clay, but other brands should work equally well.

Detailing NY
03-28-2003, 10:23 AM
Clay is the best and safest way to remove the overspray from the chrome wheels.

I would spray some Quick Shine on the wheels and use clay magic bar. It might take some time claying the wheels because of the way they are shaped, but take your time and it will come off.

I would not use anything else other then clay. Certain types of chemicals can damage the chrome and it can start to pit or peel and that i what you do not want.

Hope this helps