View Full Version : Norton MF towels

03-27-2003, 01:28 PM
Has anyone ever tried these? I picked up a 16"x16" towel at a local autobody paint supply store (CMAX). $6 CND per towel (~$4 US), 70/30 blend, 90,000+ fibers per square inch.

Has anyone had any experience with these? Buying these towels locally is hella cheaper than buying from the US.

03-27-2003, 01:41 PM
Nah, not really. Many of the sources listed here have them for aorund $2 US a towel, so if you are buying a large number, the shipping costs are spread out pretty even. Then it`s declared as a gift, so no duty, no GST, no nothing. I got 25 towels from JT for $61, so that works out to less than $4 CDN a towel. They were excellent too. Should I have to get more, I wouldn`t hestitate to order more of the same.

And if you really want some without waiting, just go to Walmart. You can get 3 16 x 16 towels in the Automotive section for around $12. Not as good quality as the ones I ordered, but still ok.

03-27-2003, 01:44 PM
i`ve experienced the walmart brand MF (not the turtle wax one) MF towel and I`d never use it on my paint. i mainly use it for glass and wiping dust off of the interior trim.

I ordered a bunch of towels from pakshak and it comes to about the same price, but it`s also good if i have a local source "in case of emergency"


03-27-2003, 02:06 PM
I never bought any of the Walmart ones to try. What was wrong with them. Did you do a CD test? Did they lint?

03-27-2003, 02:10 PM
scratch city, baby.

these were relatively thin blue ones that were individually wrapped. i found them in the asile with all the household cleaning products.

03-27-2003, 02:16 PM
Hmmm....I guess I`ll have to check them out again. I saw them, but because of the price, I decided not to get any. Maybe I`ll get some for my wife for around the house, and I get run a CD test on one.

The Walmart I went to had two different packages. One in the househould cleaning section, with 4 cloths for $12 (16x16, 2 15x15, and a 6 inch square). They also had a 3 pack of 16 in the automotive section.

03-27-2003, 02:51 PM
i rubbed the walmart mfs hard on a brand new cd, and it didn`t scratch one bit. Just goes to show you that you need to test out each towel. Btw, most of the time, anything can scratch if their is dirt on the surface, so you must make sure your not using that much pressure when wiping bc that seems to make more surface swirls and scratches.

03-27-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by 2wheelsx2

The Walmart I went to had two different packages. One in the househould cleaning section, with 4 cloths for $12 (16x16, 2 15x15, and a 6 inch square). They also had a 3 pack of 16 in the automotive section. Don`t get the box from the household section Gary! :down They have a short nap (shorter than the 3 pack Autoshines) and linted a lot for me. Not worth it, IMO. I did a review of them, and here`s Taxlady`s exerience (link to my CD test inside):


Personally, I`ve never had any MF product fail a CD test. :nixweiss Even the towels above, which failed for Taxlady. I`ve read about this happen with other towels as well - it fails for some people, passes for others. I can`t help but wonder if it`s simply from dirt being embedded in them. Maybe a thorough washing before testing is a good idea....

03-27-2003, 05:44 PM
Thanks, Brian, for the tip. I always wash my MF`s by hand and dry before first use. I have friends in the textiles industry, and I won`t even touch anything that hasn`t been washed, after the stories they tell me. Maybe that`s the problem some people have had? :nixweiss I was told by Steve at Neatitems and by Tom at JT International to make sure I wash before first use, because the process of manufacturing can leave loose strands, and all kinds of other lint and debris in the cloths which can scratch. So far, I have never had any problem with any MF`s I have tried, not even the 3M ones from Costco. Those did lint like crazy though.