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Nick T.
03-26-2003, 10:37 AM
Detailers and car enthusiasts have been arguing their case for or against layering carnauba for many years. What do you expert detailers think about layering carnauba?

Here’s my take: Many years ago I was taught how to “spit shine†my shoes and boots. A damp cotton ball, a very small amount of Kiwi polish, rub until the polish is gone from the cotton ball. Repeat many, many, many times - and gradually that dull and rough GI leather looks more and more like a mirror!

Since shoe polish certainly has a higher ratio of solvents/wax than a good carnauba such as Souverän it seems to me that layering would be easier with the car wax. When I layer carnauba on my car it certainly looks to me that the smoothness and shine is improved!

03-26-2003, 10:57 AM
All I know is that PPG looked great on my car. When I topped it with Souveran it blew me away. It was a look that I have not gotten with PPG or Souveran alone since. I don`t know what it is doing chemicaly or molecularly, but I do know that layering waxes gives a different affect than just one wax alone.

03-26-2003, 11:01 AM
I also can not give a definitive scientific answer but I do know when I did my 3rd coat of s100 yesterday it looked alot better!! P.S. I can relate to the boot shining...All 6 pairs of them :-)


03-26-2003, 11:07 AM
I still wonder how much of its is actually an improved look and how much of it is psychological ...

To put the 358th layer of wax on then stand back and say :

`Nope ... looks arse!!`

Just doesnt seem realistic :P

03-26-2003, 11:58 AM
I havn`t done a lot of testing, but in my experiance layering the same carnauba, I haven`t been able to notice any difference in shine.

I havn`t tried two different carnauba`s though, I will have to give that a try.

03-26-2003, 12:06 PM
Last summer I clayed the car, put on 3M IHG, used Collinite 915 wax and then topped with S100. I really liked the way it looked on my Metallic Emerald Green Accord. For the winter I put on Blackfire and topped with S100 every 4 - 6 weeks. I think this spring I will go with the BF, Collinite and S100. I like the Collinite wax as a base wax for layering because of its durability. Just my opinion, but it sure looked good to me.

03-26-2003, 12:19 PM
Nick great question. One experience I had with my car is that the wax became slightly cloudy, not many people would notice it though. I think this is due to putting on about 10 layers of S100 in one month. The first 4 or 5 layers the car did seem to look slightly better and it did have the newly waxed look. I also put #7 underneath, maybe I actually lost that, although with all the wax you think it would last longer.

Nick T.
03-26-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by thomasfl

One experience I had with my car is that the wax became slightly cloudy, not many people would notice it though. I think this is due to putting on about 10 layers of S100 in one month. What color paint?

03-26-2003, 03:08 PM
metallic gray. I`m using upp now and it is awesome, probably put on a few more layers and then put on some S100.

03-26-2003, 03:27 PM
Similar experience to that of thomasf with the metallic gray (sorta silver) single stage paint on my XJS. Back in the day, I used to apply MANY coats of Malm`s (liquid carnauba). The car was/is a real garage queen, it NEVER gets dirty (and back then, if I drove it ONCE, I washed, waxed, and covered it). MANY coats of wax. The wax built up until it was very noticeable (in a bad way). When I cleaned it off it I was indeed removing a yellowish wax build up (not dirt or oxidized paint).

You guys are gonna have me ordering PUPP, I can tell :rolleyes:

03-26-2003, 03:27 PM
I can relate to shining GI boots too. I must have put 20 coats of Kiwi on mine back in the old days.

I just detailed my silver Mazda: Dawned, clayed, scratch removed, M#9, M#7, AIOx3, HGx3, Souvran. The shine definitely came up after the Souvran.

I also have a black HD Road King which sits on the stand during the winter. Every week or two I go in the garage and put another coat of Klasse SG on it. There must be 12 coats over 3 coats of AIO. The shine is now incredibly deep. I tested Souvran on a small section of it and it seems to make no difference. Is it possible that you can get the same shine with Klasse as with Souvran, it just takes a zillion coats?

03-26-2003, 04:02 PM
Shine increase is possible with the addition of more oils. Durability, however, remains about the same as a fresh rewax.

03-26-2003, 04:12 PM
Jngrbrdman-- After preping my car I have two coats of Poorboys EX on a White Corvette and then layered two coats of PPG. Now if I understand, your saying by layering a coat of Souveran over this it will make quite a differance that will be outstanding. Am I reading your post correctly?

If so I`ll be ordering some Souveran tonight.

03-26-2003, 04:16 PM
This is what I got after layering Souveran on top of my PPG.



I look at my car an awful lot and I tend to notice when the reflections change. This is the first time I got reflections like that in any light. I totally noticed a difference with the two different waxes.

03-26-2003, 04:25 PM
I just cant see the point in putting more than one layer of AIO on.

The next layer will just clean off the remnants of the last one ....

Wax, maybe, but only to a point.