View Full Version : Engine Degreaser

03-25-2003, 04:49 PM
Looking to clean out my engine compartment this spring. I am just curious of Degreasers make a big difference in the ease of this. Or can I just use a All purpose cleaner diluted a bit? The engine I`ll be cleaning isn`t very greasy or dirty. But if there is an advantage to using a Degreaser then I would just go that route. I am not sure if All purpose cleaner would dry out the hoses.

03-25-2003, 04:53 PM


I use a couple products. My secret weapon is advanage (http://www.advanage.com). That stuff cuts grease like nothing else. I use the CD2 engine detail kit for the details. Its the Advanage that does most of the work though. Awesome stuff.