View Full Version : HELP... I spilled TireShine in my trunk!

03-24-2003, 06:19 PM
Horrible trunk accident... Anyone have any ideas on how to get EagleOne tire shine gel out of my trunk upholstery? I just bought the bottle and didn`t know it was leaking until too late. :(

I can`t seem to blot it up and it`s really greasy.


03-24-2003, 07:46 PM
Here`s what you do:

1. Take the carpet out

2. Go to the dodge dealership

3. Get a new piece of carpet.


That stuff is sooooooo greasy! Yucka!! Good luck with it. I`m not sure what you can do. If it is carpet you can take out then I guess you could take it to a car wash and pressure wash it till it comes out. I`m not sure how you will get it all out though. That stuff never dries either. Its like having an oil slick in your trunk. Sucks, dude...

03-24-2003, 11:05 PM
awwwww.... crap


imported_Mobile detail
03-24-2003, 11:20 PM
Here`s what I recommend (it`s the only way I was able to take it out of a pair of pants an ex-g/f purposly spilled Eagle 1 tire gel on):

1: Take carpet out of trunk

2: Get a big bottle of Dawn

3: Wash the **** out of the carpet using strictly dawn soap and a brush to start and then start to water it down. Make sure you rinse all the water out of the carpet.

4: If this doesn`t work....try a can of Brake Clean. I know it sounds bad, but I`ve used it on a white shirt before and it worked pretty well to take out grease.

5: If it still doesn`t work....like "Jngrbrdman" said...go buy a new piece.

03-25-2003, 09:43 AM
OK... i am desperate to get this stuff out, my trunk liner is in excellent condition except for that.

I will definitely try this and let you know how it goes. Does it have to be Dawn, or will any liquid dish soap do?

Thanks for the suggestions!


03-25-2003, 10:16 AM
Probably any soap will do. Dawn is really good at cutting grease so that is probably why it was suggested. You just need lots of soapy soapy. Good luck. :up