View Full Version : Clay technique

03-24-2003, 04:20 PM
I`ve done searches here on claying and didn`t see this situation:

A couple of tiny "specks" I can see (and feel) in the paint don`t seem to completely come out with the clay. I`ve gone back over them, and now they are completely smooth... but some of the speck (tar? road grime that got embedded in the paint?) is still visible.

Is the clay simply lopping it off when it can`t pull it out? Am I doing something wrong?:nixweiss

03-24-2003, 04:28 PM
The only thing I can suggest is that you go over it again till it is gone. Your next solution may be a product that is more like ABC. You can search on that if you don`t know what it is. It may help dissolve whatever it is that is still embedded in your paint.

03-24-2003, 05:17 PM
I agree, keep claying. Can you feel a bump ?

Have you tried Goo Gone ?

I used it a few times to help get a few heal skuffs off of my door sills. It also has worked well on little bits of sticky stuff (don` tknow what it was) on the front bumper. Small dab on a MF towel, wipe it on and off and then wash that section.

I don`t know where your marks are. If they`re smack in the middle of the hood, you might not want to try the Goo Gone. Not to sure about the effects entirely, but I have heard that it will not harm your finish (somewhere on this board).