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03-24-2003, 12:28 PM
As a detail enthusiast I am always looking at trying new things to get the best shine out of my cars. Last year I dabbled with the Zaino`s line but found too many steps really took away from enjoying what I was doing. This year I have been reading the threads that you guys have been posting and have come up with the following. Please let me know your thought, comments and suggestions. May the learning begin!

1) Clay Bar - Haven`t decided what type yet but figure all do the same thing.

2) Klasse AIO - I have oxidation on the hood of the car which this will take car of

3) P21S PCL - This will act as the cleaner/polish

4) Pinnacle Souveran or S100/PS21S PCW- Haven`t decided on this yet. For a while it has been a total back and forth thing. Lastest thread HERE (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20746) has got me leaning towards the P21S PCW.

I will be applying the above with the new PC 7424 I will be purchasing. I will leave the questions for the PC to another thread. For the time being I would like to be sure that I have using the right combination of products. The car colours are deep balck and bright red.

Thanks Guys!


03-24-2003, 12:51 PM
I have not used Klasse as a base protectant but from all the reviews it should be good. I am sure that AIO will not give as much protection as Klasse SG but it seems as though you are using it more for oxidation elimination. If the oxidation is not very bad you might consider using the P21S/S100 GEPC (PCW) as your oxidation repair agent and than top with Klasse SG ( eliminating AIO ). This will probably produce a deeper gloss and paint appearance that will only be enhanced with your topper ( Souveran or P21S/S100 wax).

Looks like you are on the perfect path to receive the appearance you have been longing for. :xyxthumbs

Have fun and enjoy the venture and final results!:bounce

03-24-2003, 07:30 PM
Would this make sense? Do you guys think it would be better?

1) Clay Bar - Haven`t decided what type yet but figure all do the same thing.

2) Klasse AIO - I have oxidation on the hood of the car which this will take car of

3) Klasse SG - for greater protection

3) P21S PCL - This will act as the cleaner/polish

4) Pinnacle Souveran or S100/PS21S PCW- Haven`t decided on this yet. For a while it has been a total back and forth thing. Lastest thread HERE has got me leaning towards the P21S PCW.

I would have to keep the AIO I feel to combat the oxidation. What do you guys think? Is there a better way around this. How much better of a shine do you think this process would yield over the original? Any other shortcuts around so many layers?



03-24-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by buffer

1) Clay Bar - Haven`t decided what type yet but figure all do the same thing.

2) P21S PCL - This will act as the cleaner/polish

3) Klasse AIO - I have oxidation on the hood of the car which this will take car of

4) Klasse SG - for greater protection

4) Pinnacle Souveran or S100/PS21S PCW- Haven`t decided on this yet. For a while it has been a total back and forth thing. Lastest thread HERE has got me leaning towards the P21S PCW.

Why don`t you try it this way?

03-24-2003, 08:43 PM
I just want to be sure that the products that I have in this list make sense in the order that I have place them. As well I would like to be sure that I am not wasting my money and time on two products that could be doing the same thing.

I guess my question is this.... Does applying the Klasse SG and then Souveran or PS21S PWC make sense? Do they not do the same thing? I am thinking by what is in this post the Klasse SG would be for durability while the Souveran or PS21S would be a topper for gloss beauty. Am I correct?



03-24-2003, 10:13 PM
give www.clearkote.com Vanilla Moose a bit of your consideration(in place of P21s PCL). I love the stuff and there are many others on the forum that will echo that :) I dont like klasse SG the shine is to plastic looking...not enough wet...but i have customers now that wont have anything to do with wax now that they have seen SG reflection/durability.

But yes, you are correct; topping the SG with a good wax will give it a bit of depth. Just dont let any one tell you, no you can`t get that product because ____(unless its actually bad for your paint).

Experimentation is the only way you will find the right look/shine for YOU.

my mexican centavo.

03-24-2003, 10:23 PM
buffer, I think the best route would be to do it as jgv has in his edited quote of your plan. P21S (GEPC right?) will remove AIO if used over it, and they actually both have similar jobs as far as prep goes, but using AIO before SG is a good idea. Spending the extra time to put on 2 or 3 Klasse SG layers will probably help the appearance because of its minor minor swirl filling ability, and may make it last longer too. Topping off Klasse with a wax has been long held to be a good idea appearance-wise if you want.

As with all detailing jobs, prep work is everything. I don`t know how old or what condition the paint you have is, but if you have swirls or more serious oxidation and you find the P21S polish doesn`t take care of them, you`ll need to step up to a product that`s abrasive enough to do the job. It`s actually best to get the paint "perfect" looking before proceeding to final finishing products like the P21S and AIO, which are both quite mild. HTH

03-25-2003, 08:30 AM
I don`t know if this information will help at all but I have listed the cars that I drive in efforts to paint a better picture of what I am trying to accomplish.


I have two cars. A black 98 Civic and a red 95 Prelude. Both have been well taken cars of over the years. The Prelude has a bit of oxidation on the hood but that is all. Last year Zaino was used to keep the cars in tip top shape.

My Prelude can be viewed Here (http://academic.algonquincollege.com/staff/monteie/html_pages/ottawa_prelude_club/my_prelude.htm).

buffer, I think the best route would be to do it as jgv has in his edited quote of your plan. P21S (GEPC right?) will remove AIO if used over it, and they actually both have similar jobs as far as prep goes

First off what is GEPC? It isn`t in the Acronyms list. I was referring to the P21S Paint Cleaner Lotion (PCL) which is found Here (http://properautocare.com/p2paincleanl.html).

Now stated above is that PS21S will remove AIO. Why would I follow the list provided by jgv if in it it tells to use P21S then AIO. Isn`t this a waste of money and time if P21S will just remove AIO?

It`s actually best to get the paint "perfect" looking before proceeding to final finishing products like the P21S and AIO, which are both quite mild

K I`m confused here..... I have read on many threads that AIO is great for oxidation. I have seen pics posted by members of panels with medium oxidation and it has been removed. I was under the understanding that AIO was a good choice for oxidation. Am I missing something here?

Calestus... Thanks for the recommendation but I am going to stick to the list that I have. Things are getting confusing enough without switching products that so many have had success with.

Help me understand......


03-25-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by buffer

... First off what is GEPC? It isn`t in the Acronyms list. I was referring to the P21S Paint Cleaner Lotion (PCL) which is found Here (http://properautocare.com/p2paincleanl.html).

Now stated above is that PS21S will remove AIO. Why would I follow the list provided by jgv if in it it tells to use P21S then AIO. Isn`t this a waste of money and time if P21S will just remove AIO?

K I`m confused here..... I have read on many threads that AIO is great for oxidation. I have seen pics posted by members of panels with medium oxidation and it has been removed. I was under the understanding that AIO was a good choice for oxidation. Am I missing something here?

Calestus... Thanks for the recommendation but I am going to stick to the list that I have. Things are getting confusing enough without switching products that so many have had success with.

Help me understand......


Buffer, guess you`re confused allright. You gave us a list of products to use, I only switched the order between P21S GEPC or PCL as you like, and AIO. You should use AIO after GEPC, and then a sealent, SG, Platinum UPP, or what you like.

P21S has some mild abrasives, and it`s said it improves the shine if used prior to AIO.

03-25-2003, 10:26 AM
"And then he saw the light!" Thanks jgv.... I get it now. :bow

Do any of these products require sitting time to set? I would assume that the Klasse SG would.

Here are my thoughts for application.

Clay Bar

Will apply until finish feels as smooth as glass


Will use PC and white pad to apply once


Will use PC and white pad to apply as many times as required for oxidation to come out. May switch to a yellow pad but currently i am not sure when to and when not to use yellow pads. More research needed.

Klass SG

Will use PC with white pad to apply two coats.

Souveran or PS21S PCW

Will used PC with white pad to apply one coat

I am not sure if you guys have any thoughts doing the Klasse and Souvera/PS21s PCw by hand or PC. There has been talk of both ways so I am unsettled in that area as well.

In the end I hope to have a surface as reflective as this emotionicons :bounce


03-25-2003, 03:00 PM
Again my opinion:

P21S PCL will remove oxidation and prep the surface quite well, so follow with 2 x AIO and then the SG. Wait the required time between coats, but add at least 2. Wait again before using the wax.

About the wax, please, apply either by hand. It`s the final momentum, and as it`s so easy, you should feel it :up

03-25-2003, 03:28 PM
Wait the required time between coats

What is the required time?

03-25-2003, 03:33 PM
Follow the directions for application, and if it was me, I`d wait 12-24h between layers of SG.

03-25-2003, 03:53 PM
Reminds me of Zaino`s..... I was hoping to get away from that. Ooh well.


03-25-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by buffer

First off what is GEPC? It isn`t in the Acronyms list. I was referring to the P21S Paint Cleaner Lotion (PCL) which is found Here (http://properautocare.com/p2paincleanl.html). Sorry to causing you confusion - the Acronyms list needs updating badly. GEPC is what people normally call the P21S PCL you referred to. If you read the page you linked above, you will see GEPC is short for Gloss Enhancing Paint Cleanser. Do a search for GEPC and you will find a TON of posts and threads! :)

As I said, I think GEPC and AIO are designed to do similar jobs in preparing the paint. Jngrbrdman has often said that AIO works well on oxidation, but so do a lot of other products. And he did use AIO by PC for a very long time I think. I`m just not sure if I would personally use GEPC, then try AIO if GEPC still left any oxidation behind, that`s all. I would be more inclined to use a more traditional polish like a swirl remover first to take care of the oxidation, then follow up with GEPC and/or AIO to get it really perfect. A secondary reason for doing it this way is because often if paint is oxidized due to neglect, it`s often swirled up too. Not always true, but it can be.

Since you`ve said your cars have been well maintained though, the oxidation must be only minor and you can ignore the above paragraph for your job. :D