View Full Version : Waxing help

03-23-2003, 10:26 AM
Hi all, i recently bought a new maxima and decided to wax if for the first time.

I followed the instructions and aited it to haze then buffed out with a clean 100% cotton terry towel goin in a light back ad forth motion.

It seemed to be working fine but when i woke up this morning I noticed a fine dust all over the car which would have to be the wax.

btw i was using Mothers Carnuba Wax.

any tips would be very helpful as i am a newb and this is the first car i have ever really cared for )

03-23-2003, 10:41 AM
Excessive dusting is almost always due to using too much product. Next time use a very little amount of wax and apply it evenly over a small area. You can wipe off the dust with some quick detail spray and a clean towel, or one of those Calif car dusters.

If you are new to serious car care I highly recommend purchasing the Autopia Guide to Detailing. It will teach you a lot about how to car for your car properly. The first 8 chapters are free so download it at www.autopia-carcare.com and have a look.

Welcome to Autopia :wavey

03-23-2003, 10:52 AM
Already ordered one and have been reading it , quite helpful thus far )

03-23-2003, 05:36 PM
Welcome to Autopia! :wavey

Also make sure you aren`t using those cheap bulk so-called 100% cotton terry towels made outside the US. They tend to be very abrasive and leave tons of lint everwhere.

If you`re using the Mothers pure carnauba wax you might want to use their glaze as well first to make it look even better. :)

03-23-2003, 06:26 PM
Just QD and you should be fine, as long as it is just dust.

Dust is going to be attracted to a freshly waxed car, its just how it works.

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