View Full Version : What is going to shine the best out of my products?

Preachers Sheets
03-23-2003, 02:23 AM
I don`t care how long the shine last`s, I will be detailing every weekend, I may miss one weekend here and there but I`m always doing something to the car so I don`t need the product to last that long.

Could I mix any of these products that compliment each other?

Meguiars Glaze


Blitz Wax


Meguiars Gold Class

Meguiars High Tech Yellow wax

I like the polymers, they really shine and last a while but I am willing to give up the life of the product for a better shine.

What can I do, I can`t get my car to shine like I thought I would.

03-23-2003, 08:18 AM
Gold Class on top of a glaze looks pretty dang deep. That product really has a good look to it, it just has such sucky durability. Plus, it is quite easy to use. Of course, if you did want some durability, put some Klasse on first and then top it with any of those. Perhaps you might want to make a small purchase of some S100 to put on the Klasse. I haven`t used it, but it sounds pretty shiny.

03-23-2003, 10:35 AM
Shine is almost completely dependent on the quality of your paint and the quality of your prep. The final protective product you use is less important than these two issues.

Of the products you mentioned I think the Klasse will provide a little more gloss but not much more than the others. You have several products which will offer a similar shine so based on your inventory I think its a toss up. I don`t think you`ll notice a big diff from any of them.

03-23-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by bretfraz

Shine is almost completely dependent on the quality of your paint and the quality of your prep. The final protective product you use is less important than these two issues.

Of the products you mentioned I think the Klasse will provide a little more gloss but not much more than the others. You have several products which will offer a similar shine so based on your inventory I think its a toss up. I don`t think you`ll notice a big diff from any of them.

Very good points.

Shine is just the reflection of light from the surface and flat, even surface will reflect more light.

People are very surprised when they hear that Best of Show car was done with simple Meguiar`s glaze, sometimes not even wax and they tend to forget that paint job on a car is probably a few grand, perfectly wetsanded and polished.

Preachers Sheets
03-23-2003, 07:53 PM
Looks like I`ll try the Gold Class and Glaze.

I won`t layer anything on my car if I can even see swirls so I am pretty particular about that aspect. After I done polishing my car it looks really nice, better than all of the other cars around here with wax (they don`t know the difference from a wax to a polish) so the protectants help but I haven`t come across anything that made my car look 100x better than it does without polishing.