View Full Version : Snow and Black Paint

03-21-2003, 10:41 PM
I live in chicago and when it snows, i get the white salt thing all over the body of my car. I usually clean my car with simple water and no shampoo or anything. I do have some swirl marks.

Few days ago i ordered Zaino for swirl marks and the Gloss Enhancer. Could someone tell me a bit how to apply these products? And what kind of care should be done in snow.


03-21-2003, 11:24 PM
Welcome to Autopia!

I highly suggest David`s E-Book, you get the first bunch of chapters free!


But to answer your question, assuming you don`t have any machines and you are only using elbow grease...

Tools: (Either or)

Microfibre towels

100% looped cotton terry cloth towels

applicator pads


Read the directions on the products

Apply sparingly onto applicator

Rub into paint with a foward (front of car) and backwards (rear of car) motion. Do not rub in circles

For snow, you can`t do much. What I like to do is before it snows (in the fall) get as many layers of wax on as I can. Then as winter arrives and washing the car outside is no longer an option, I take my cars to the coin op/pressure bays and wash off the salt and underbody as much as I can.

Hope this helps!

03-22-2003, 08:55 AM
Welcome to Autopia :wavey

Zaino is not going to remove swirls, oxidation, or light scratches. It is purely a protective sealant with no paint cleaning ability. Its a good product but cannot do everything.

You need a polishing step in your detailing regimen to get the paint looking great before you protect it. There are many polishes on the market and the one to use is determined by the condition of your paint and the results you desire.

If you have a buffer or access to one it will make the polishing step go much easier. But everything you want to do can be done by hand as well, it just takes a lot more time.

Read those first chapters of the detailing guide (they`re free) and get an idea of what car detailing really is and what kind of strategy you will need to use in order to get your car looking its best. This is not simply about product brands - it`s about having a plan to get the best results and using the right product, tool, and techniques at precisely the right time to get the best results possible.

Good luck. Let us know if you have questions.

03-22-2003, 06:21 PM

Z is a pure sealeant. However, it will amplify imperfections rather than hide them. Ypou`ll need a good prep as has been suggested. Once done the Zaino looks really good.

Apply as many coats as possible before winter. Zaino is pretty tough stuff and it will protect longer than any wax. I put three coats on my Sierra.

2 Months ago I applied one coat to my wifes Z3. It lasted well too. We had a very hard winter here in NY. Mucho Salto! All things consudered Zaino did very well.

Good luck
