View Full Version : Speed for Yellow Pad and paste v. liquid

03-20-2003, 09:27 PM
Hey guys. I`ve taken ownership of my grandmother`s mint 25,000 mile, but neglected 1996 white honda civic.

I`m going to keep it and have fun bringing back the paint to life. I`m going to use it to scoot to the train station.

The honda needs a serious paint cleaning to start (after claying).

I`m using a regular yellow CMA pad with Meguiars Paint Cleaner, followed by IHG and then 3M liquid wax (all of which I have lying around).

My question is, at what speed should I have the PC set with the yellow pad?

My other question is, is paste wax like 3M, Blitz, Collinite stronger and longer lasting then it`s counterpart, the liquid wax? I am NOT talking about synthetics like Klasse, BF and Zaino.


03-20-2003, 09:33 PM
I usually start the PC at 4.5 and do a final pass at 7 or whatever the highest setting is.

Paste wax is indeed more durable than its liquid counterpart. Liquid Meguiar`s #26 generally lasts 3-4 weeks on a daily driver that is not garaged. The paste version tends to last 4-6 weeks. I think the difference is due to the greated quantity of solvents in the liquid.

03-21-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Dude

The paste version tends to last 4-6 weeks. I think the difference is due to the greated quantity of solvents in the liquid.

That`s how I understand it too. Takes more petroleum Distillates to break down the carnauba to use in a liquid form.

03-22-2003, 10:48 AM
Spilchy- The "start at 4-4.5 and speed up" approach that Dude mentioned should work OK. If you go too fast and the product gets weird on you (it`ll dry sorta funny and not wipe off easily) just mist it with a QD when removing.

The longevity of some paste waxes like Collinite is quite amazing. Their 476 is good for several months, maybe longer.