View Full Version : Swirl Free + S100 SEPC + ? + S100...

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03-19-2003, 04:04 PM
So what do you think? Should I replace the ? with #20, AIO, or BF?

I`m detailing three cars this week: two white and one black.

Any opinions welcome. :)

03-19-2003, 04:13 PM
Why would you use #20 before AIO?

Think about this Swirl free, AIO then BF.

03-19-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by rightlane

Why would you use #20 before AIO?

Think about this Swirl free, AIO then BF.

The question seems to be what to replace the ? mark with in his list of procedures.

Swirl Free, followed by S100 SEPC, then #20 or AIO, topped with S100 as the final product.

Personally, I use Meg`s #9, AIO, and S100 on one vehicle. Looks great. I do plan on using the SEPC before the AIO when I next clean up that car. I have read that the SEPC and AIO seem to compliment each other when both are used. If you try it, then I will have another opinion. :xyxthumbs


03-19-2003, 04:28 PM
Thanks CHARLES I get it now ( at Last).

03-19-2003, 04:31 PM

Just a quick follow-up. If you are dong this professionally, you might want to skip either the SEPC or the AIO, because of the time it would require. Both products seem to be very good for paint prep and either one would most likely be more than sufficient.

Since I am doing it for myself, the time factor is no big deal.


03-19-2003, 04:33 PM
Since #20 and AIO both have cleaning properties, and you are using SFP beforehand, I would skip the SEPC and go with either #20 or AIO before the S100. Can`t go wrong with either.

03-19-2003, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW

The question seems to be what to replace the ? mark with in his list of procedures.

Swirl Free, followed by S100 SEPC, then #20 or AIO, topped with S100 as the final product.

Thanks for clearing that up, that is exactly what I meant.:)

Nope I`m not doing this proffesionally. One is my car, one is my brother`s, and one is my dad`s.

03-19-2003, 06:45 PM
I think you could probably replace #20 with AIO if you wanted, but with both of those products you`re basically considered to have one or "one and a half" layers on there maximum, because you can`t build up multiple layers with them.

BF, and Klasse SG can be layered multiple times to increase gloss and durability (up to a point) so they`re in a little different class of product I think. It depends on what you`d like to do. :)

03-19-2003, 06:47 PM

If time is not a problem, maybe 15-20 minutes more per car, then I would try the SEPC/AIO prior to the S100. It has been posted before that the SEPC/AIO combination turns out great. From my selfish point of view, if you try it and like it, I will go ahead and use them in a few weeks.:p


03-19-2003, 07:17 PM
No biggie, but it is S100 Shine Enhancing Cleanser or SEC.


03-19-2003, 11:48 PM
I am looking at the colors of the cars, two white. I wouldn`t go crazy with many products as you are not going to see a huge return on your work. I would go with the swirl free, SEPC, and then S100. But on the black I would do something different. I suggest using your swirl free(although I recommend SMR for Dark on black) with GEPC, then #7(this is the key IMO, you can skip the GEPC, without noticing much different if time is a factor) and then the S100. Here are the results I had with that combo.

03-20-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by thomasfl

Here are the results I had with that combo.

The car looks great! But the thing is I`m still debating on what sealant to use.:p

03-20-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by JL9000

The car looks great! But the thing is I`m still debating on what sealant to use.:p

If you wax every 30 to 60 days, the S100 is probably all you need.

On two of our vehicles, I use a sealant, on the third, I use AIO topped with S100. Another coat of S100 every month and it always looks good. Sheds the dirt after a rain like you won`t believe.


03-20-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW

If you wax every 30 to 60 days, the S100 is probably all you need.

On two of our vehicles, I use a sealant, on the third, I use AIO topped with S100. Another coat of S100 every month and it always looks good. Sheds the dirt after a rain like you won`t believe.


My car is garaged at night and is waxed at least every other month so I`m not worried. My brother`s car is waxed about twice a year, that`s why I need a sealant on it.:p My mom`s car is not even washed most of the time.:(

03-20-2003, 03:31 PM
JL, I know you were asking about a sealant, I was suggesting that you use #7 instead.