View Full Version : Meg`s #7 over S100 SEPC or vice versa?

03-19-2003, 12:55 AM
Back last fall I detailed my car for the first time, and used #7 and S100 wax. The second time around, I was disappointed at how dull it looked, and bought S100 SEPC. When I detailed the car using it, it looked utterly fantastic. Since then, I`ve detailed my car only once (few days ago... simply washed my car through winter, didn`t have time or energy to polish and wax too...takes me awhile since I`m still kind of inexperienced), and it sort of seems that it isn`t as deep/wet looking as it was the first time I used it...it might be that I was just so surprised and amazed the first time, but in any case, I still have a bottle of #7 lying virtually unused, and wondered if it would help at all. I figure I may as well experiment and use both, but I don`t know which order would be best...#7 is a glaze, so I would assume that I would use the SEPC first and then the glaze, and then the S100 wax. If so, how long would I have to wait after the SEPC to use the #7? And could #7 actually muddy the paint up and make things look worse (dull)? Thanks.

03-19-2003, 03:25 AM
SEPC- then 7- then wax.

I find it prefere the wet look gained by using no 7 or megs han polish over the SEPC then waxing with s100. I think you will love the results. No muddy look just a deep wet gloss.

03-19-2003, 03:57 AM
what is SEPC?


03-19-2003, 04:20 AM
Think is actaully called SEC , it is shine enhancing cleanser made by s100. It is available through harley dealers as a cheaper alternative to P21S GEPC ( gloss enhancing paint cleanser)

03-19-2003, 06:58 PM
Thanks, I`ll try it out the next time. Would waiting 24 hrs after using SEC (I got the names confused, it`s the same thing as Gloss Enhancing Paint Cleanser (GEPC) but is only called Shine Enhancing Cleanser) before using #7 be optimal? Or would immediately afterwards be optimal?

03-20-2003, 03:31 AM
its not like wax so has no cure time, i always do it straight after then wax.