View Full Version : Cali. duster on vertical panels?

03-18-2003, 01:10 PM
The Cali duster is works fine when lightly gliding over the horizantals like the hood, roof, and trunk.

For those of you who use the California car duster, how to you use it on the doors and other vert. panels without grinding it into the paint?

03-18-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by hubris63

how to you use it on the doors and other vert. panels without grinding it into the paint?

The simple answer is .......you can`t.

I`ve seen a large duster for Trucks and SUV`s that is made differently. Strands radiate from a central core giving it a cylinder appearance. I`m not sure if Cali-Duster makes it.

I`ve had no luck with lower body panels and the CCD. The way its made forces you to use pressure and that`s a no-no.:nono

03-18-2003, 01:51 PM
I can`t prove it but I don`t think I put any more pressure on the surface doing the side panels than the weight of the ccd puts on the horizontal services. I just hold it as vertically as possible and glide it over the surface with no noticeable problems in the 3 years I`ve been using it.....on white paint of course. JimS

03-18-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Luster

I`ve seen a large duster for Trucks and SUV`s that is made differently. Strands radiate from a central core giving it a cylinder appearance. I`m not sure if Cali-Duster makes it.

It is made by the same people and is called the "Super Duster". California Car Cover has a web-site that has more info. They are the parent company for the duster and the water blade.


03-18-2003, 02:55 PM
I have been using my CCD on dark green metallic for 3 years and have had no problems anywhere. I use it on the vertical panels (top half only) when I am positive that it is only dust or pollen. Easier to wash the car again than to ever risk any scratching. I let my sit on newspaper for about a week before I used it the first time and it has never streaked or messed up my wax.

It is a great tool when used carefully.

03-18-2003, 03:54 PM
On verticals I hold my duster with 2 hands - one on the handle and one on the head, and then "rock" it on its axis so that the centrifugal force makes the strands stand up and hit the paint. It`s held about 4-5" away from the surface and make the swipes vertically as with waxing/polishing. Since it doesn`t take a lot of motion or force to get it to do this, it`s not as violent as it sounds. ;) Using this technique I can pretty much CCD my whole car, although the lower panels don`t dust as much so they don`t usually need it anyway.

I didn`t think this technique up though, I read it in some old archived thread long ago...