View Full Version : bf polish and platinum pre cleaner, same?

03-15-2003, 12:55 PM
these two companies use the same packaging and such, and i know this has probably been discussed but i searched for a bit. I already have the bf all finish paint protection, and im looking to get the bf polish but after seeing the price of platinums pre cleaner and how similar the formulas are, im wondering if its a better deal to just get the platinum pre cleaner?

03-15-2003, 05:19 PM
anyone know????????????:confused:

03-15-2003, 05:35 PM
I was wondering the same thing, I just got my sample kits from Platinum, they look the same as you say. Heck, they even smell the same.....

03-15-2003, 05:44 PM
Does the Platinum have the same dust magnet characteristics, as BF I/II ?

03-16-2003, 10:41 PM
UPP doesn`t attract dust in fact it keeps a car cleaner than any carnauba I have used. I doubt it is the same as BF.

03-17-2003, 11:11 AM
guys, i know upp probably is a better product, but i want to know if their pre cleaner is the same if not better than blackfires gloss enhancing polish bc im gonna end up spending almost 23 bucks for bf gep wheras $15 or $16 for platinum pre cleaner. Need to make a decision soon so any help is appreciated. Btw, this will all be done by hand, not using my pc for this.

03-17-2003, 02:37 PM

It would almost seem that the small saving wouldn`t be worth trying it. If you are using BF Sealant, BF prep is a logical step.

Now, having said that, Klasse AIO seems to me to be one of the best products I have ever used for a cleaner/prep under sealants or waxes. It would definitely be my choice.

Not as economical as the PPC, but pretty close to the same as the BF prep.


03-17-2003, 04:40 PM
hmm, i might as well just get the aio then bc i remember cma telling me that blackfire would only bond to clean surface with no oils, but it could bond to an acrylic. Good thing bc now i don`t have to spend extra 23 bucks when i have aio for both my car and my ski(the reason i was gonna get it in the first place).

03-17-2003, 05:11 PM
I`m a huge Platinum fan, but I use AIO exclusively as a pre-cleaner. I`m sure the Platinum pre cleaner is awesome but why use it when I`ve got a never ending supply of AIO that I am sure can`t be beaten. Its just product loyalty arrogance on my part, probably. :p I really love my AIO though. It works great as a base for UPP and I just don`t see the sense in changing.

Anyone who thinks that Blackfire and Platinum are the same product hasn`t seen them together. The current formulas are different in so many ways in my opinion. They may get their bottles from the same place, but so do a ton of other products. Check out your containers sometime. I`m sure you`ve got a lot of products that share their packaging in common.