View Full Version : Liquid Pinnacle Souveran

03-15-2003, 09:29 AM
Anyone try this yet? Any pros/cons to it?


03-15-2003, 06:02 PM
I`d suggest doing a search on it. I`ve reviewed it before and I know that others have too. Liquid Souveran is my favorite liquid wax. It adds a great reflection to your car and will last for a good 6 - 8 weeks from what I can tell. Its a good quality wax and worth the price. I love the stuff.

Nick T.
03-15-2003, 11:53 PM
I’ve been playing with liquid Souverän for a couple of weeks and at this point I’m quite pleased with it.

03-16-2003, 07:02 PM
I have heard much about this. What advantages does it have over Souveran paste?


03-16-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Bruce Peter

What advantages does it have over Souveran paste?It`s cheaper than the paste. As a liquid wax, it`s one of the best on the market. At one time paste waxes were noted as having a better longetivity than liquid waxes, but not anymore. I`ve got both, picked them up last year from the unmentionable .net place at a great price. Out of the two, I like the paste better. Personal preference only, no hard facts to back up my choice.

03-16-2003, 10:43 PM
I haven`t used it but the obvious difference with the paste and the liquid is that the liquid could be used by a PC much easier.

03-16-2003, 10:49 PM
iv`e only used it 3 times, black chevy truck was somewhat pleased. then on a pearl white lexus coupe and a silver amg clk mercedes and was very very pleased with it on the lighter cars

03-17-2003, 10:05 AM
I`ve always looked at LS and paste Souveran as two seperate products. They don`t really compare. Generaly speaking the LS will last longer but the paste Souveran will probably be more optically pleasing. On a light car I love the look and durablilty of LS. It is a great topper for whatever sealant you are using. Not to mention that it smells like a vanilla milkshake when being applied by PC. :p Yummy.... The smell of the Pinnacle waxes is half the pleasure. ;)