View Full Version : Viking chenille wash mitt

03-14-2003, 07:50 PM
Went to Kar Parts today and got one of these. It said 100% cotton on the cardboard wrapping. Does this mean it is the real one and not the fake? I think I paid $6 bucks for it.

03-14-2003, 07:55 PM
If you pull a strand off and burn it you can tell. If it leaves a tiny bit of gray ash, then it’s most likely 100% cotton, if it leaves a bit of black hard material behind it’s not.

I just bought one and it had the new graphics on the label and haven`t given it the old burn test yet...


03-14-2003, 09:57 PM
that sounds like the right one. could you do a cd test and tell us what you find? i tested some brand new ones and they didn`t pass but other people have different experiences. so i`m curious.

03-14-2003, 10:56 PM
$6 for a Viking mitt? Yeowiekazowie!!!

My source buys them in bulk and sells them to me for $3 each. Sorry, no way I`d pay that much.

I think a little too much is made out of the CD scratch test. I`m not sure a pure virgin lambswool mitt would pass the test every time. The benefits of cotton chenille is the fluffy nap which holds dirt as well as lots of suds. They`re also cheaper than other types but not anymore, I guess.

03-15-2003, 12:42 AM
I guess I did pay too much:( . I burned a strand and it came out to a black hard ball. :mad: So its not real cotton. Well, I guess I`ll just use the mitt on the lower dirty parts of the car instead

03-15-2003, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by bretfraz

I think a little too much is made out of the CD scratch test. I`m not sure a pure virgin lambswool mitt would pass the test every time. I agree. An awful lot of people lately have been testing everything with CDs, but it`s not the be-all-end-all test. Something that scratches a soft CD surface might not necessarily scratch the paint. If it passes, great! But if it causes some scratching... who knows? :nixweiss

I think you`re right Bret about the sheepskin mitt not necessarily passing, but I`ve never tested it and never felt the need to. People have almost always universally said it`s safe and it has been in my experience.

I`ll have to try out some of my USA cotton towels sometime and see what happens with those. 100% cotton has always been said to be safe, but does it always pass the CD scratch test?

Blackmirror: That sucks, sorry to hear that. :( I HATE it when something says 100% cotton when it is baldly lying and is actually NOT! :mad: It`s too bad this is such a common thing.

03-15-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

I`ll have to try out some of my USA cotton towels sometime and see what happens with those. 100% cotton has always been said to be safe, but does it always pass the CD scratch test?

No. My "Made in USA" 100% cotton Fieldcrest Royal Velvet bath towels are okay on light rubbing, but they produce faint marring on the CD when rubbed more vigorously like in buffing-off-residue type of pressure.

Haven`t tried burning a strand though.:nixweiss